Have I gone blind ???


FS Veteran
For the love of me, and you, I cannot find a ' key' for taking a screenshot. So either it is my old eyes, or there isn't any (betting on the former).

For the love of me, and you, I cannot find a ' key' for taking a screenshot. So either it is my old eyes, or there isn't any (betting on the former).


Your eyes are still good, I have to assure you. No such kind of this short key. You can use Print screen or use external software for screenies.
Or, use the MS snipping tool with the keys: widows key,shift key, s key.
The screen will dim. Select the portion you want to capture with the mouse, left mouse key down. When the left mouse key is released the selected area is captured.
At the lower right you will briefly have the option to open a mark up screen where you can write/and or point to something on the screen capture, else it goes to the desktop.
In the markup window, if you select it, you have the option to store the capture where you want it.
The captured file name is timestamped in jpg format.
For those who are using MSFS with Steam, Steam has a default, common for all games screenshot key. On mine, it's set to F12-key but I'm sure it can be changed.
For the love of me, and you, I cannot find a ' key' for taking a screenshot. So either it is my old eyes, or there isn't any (betting on the former).


Windows 10 has the Xbox Game Bar built-in, press Win+G to open it at any time (not only in-game). There are many functions and features, but the screenshot keyboard shortcut is Win+Alt+Print Screen and you can use this anytime, Xbox Game bar doesn't have to be running.
You should have the Xbox game bar - if so, Winkey+Alt+PrtScn puts a screencap of the active window into a folder in your (oddly enough) Videos folder. Files are named according to app and date/time. If you're running an Nvidia card, make sure you have the GeForce Experience installed - Alt+F1 is the default screenshot key for that, and you can choose where they get dumped.