have to ask for guidance


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hi all,
awhile ago i asked about an easy to use weather program,i went to use the "freeware" one y'all told me about.thing is,its only freeware for a limited time,then ya gotta buy it,well i couldnt understand what to do anyway,so i re-downloaded REX essentials with over drive.going to install it,i think,my issue is that when i tried to use it ,i didnt understand it all....i know im "slow" but as ive explained before,i have a learning disability. i just dont understand written instructions,i need to be hands on.


anyone willing to "walk" me through how to use it in P3D? either on the phone,i have unlimited long distance in the USA,or through a messenger program i could use on my ipad,so its in real time,reading an email is the same as a "how to" online for me.too many questions to make it work...i hope that makes sense.

thanks Dave
want to give a shoutout to Rockstarofrust ,he read the request and called me,hes sick but wanted to reachout to me to help,he and his wife have been a big help to myself and my family since my dad died especially.good good people,thanks again,and ill be calling in a few days,you rest up and get well so you can baby sit me in flight simland...lol.