Having Trouble Flying



Hi guys.

Just got CFS3 with the intention of playing the standard game, MAW and later OFF. (I have already installed MAW. Not got OFF yet, still saving up).

I have been playing it a few days now and have come up with some difficulties. (I have played other flight sims in the past, eg Red Baron and the WW2 follow-up to that.)

I set up several Campaign games, one as a German and one as a British pilot. I was given a BF??? German plane and found it really unflyable. I had to apply a lot of rudder to keep it straight down the runway while taking off, and when I got in the air it started going all over the place as if Gremlins had got into the plane. I was in a constant state of joystick manipulation, rudder and airlion, to just keep the plane vaguely straight.

After drinking loads of coffee I got used to this state of affairs, then I got into combat. Just to follow another plane with a simple left or right airlion turn with no height change was a feat of great airmanship. The plane kept on flipping over and trying to dive.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it meant to do this? (BTW my joystick is less than a month old and in perfect working order on every other game I have.)

Then came landing. I think in general I need tips on landing. Even in a spitfire I was having problems. How far out do you need to be from the base and how far up? How do you spot the runways from too far away. What descent and what speed are we talking?? I am only landing successfully about 50% of the time.

But even with my general problems, landing in the BF??? was impossible (0%). The same plane-flipping issues I had in combat were happening on landing.

The same thing was happening in MAW with the BF???.

I really need some advice guys.

When your MAW screen come up on the upper right hand side is a drop down tab called OPTIONS click on that and you will see REALISM OPTIONS click on that, try the different setting. This is true with all the CFS3 /addons.
Hope this helps. There are people on this form that are much more knowledgeable then me that will be able to tell you more things to help.
Good flying and good luck.:medals:
Hi Jaa,

I'm no great pilot but do know that some of the stock a/c have poor flight models that are a pig to fly and are not representative in any way of the aircraft they portray. However aircraft like the MAW 109's have great fm's so it may be some settings need tweaking. Some of them must be flown at 100% realism to get the best out of them.

Plenty of guys around here will give you a hand I'm sure. Hope you get sorted.

Pat :)

ps. One tip, have a read of the files in the aircraft folders, some have flying characteristics and handling notes.
As for takeoff, powerful propeller warbirds require lots of rudder to keep them straight on the track during acceleration. As for the joystick, I have recently purchased one which works perfectly in FSX but is unusable in FS2004: giving abnormal reactions, makes any routine takeoff, level flight or landing a sort of tragic nightmare...maybe you could try to choose, in the option menu, an easier flight model and see what happens.
Initially the rudders won't work well due to low air speed, so use left, right braking to steer (comma for , for left and full stop . for right).
As for the manoeuvring I flown the MAW Bf 109's and the BF110 and found them both quite stable. so yes check the realism settings. Stick with it it's worth it.

Now something you can do,(but note you cant use for online play if you do.) I got so aggravated
at the P51 model,I got into the "CFG" file and cranked up the RPM's and the MP. That helped a few
things, but it was still a pig on "looping". Now that Ive found so many other fantastic planes by
a great bunch of other "Wingnuts" around here,I can just jump in and fly! :jump: