Hawker Heros for FS9?


I see the comments are somewhat positive in the FSX forum. :ernae:

Anyone try this in FS9?

What do you think? :monkies:

Well - just bought it for FS9 (I have FSX, but my system is not really up to the strain - I can fly FSX clean with no trouble, but any more complex mods push my poor system over the edge, so FSX is now uninstalled!)

This is a nice package in FS9, not great. Not worth the $41 I paid for it, but maybe worth $30...
The Typhoon is trash. Poor quality, very low poly graphics. The exterior is even slightly transparent, as if the model developer mishandled the materials and failed to add reflections to the model. The modelling is inaccurate in some ways, poorly detailed, and clumsily executed. The texturing is the same. It is a comfort to know that it was not made by the same team as did the rest of the package, because the difference in quality is enormous.

The Tempest is for me the star of the package. It has a great deal of liveries included, some of which are niceish. I do agree it would benefit from some better textures. The VC is up to the developers usual high standards, and includes more clickablilty than is usual for his FS9 models. It is also, however, as usual, rather dark, and the anemic VC lighting does not help much in visibilty.

The Hurricane is almost as nice as the Tempest. It shares many of the same good points and bad points. It is definitely a new model, not merely an inclusion or even an update to the modellers older Hurricane that is sold as a separate package by Abacus and others. However, as I have the wonderful SU Hurricane package, I feel no need to keep this aircraft.

The Fury is very nice in FS9, as well. However, it proved rather disappointing, especially as the wing-ribs, so prominently displayed in all the screenshots, are not present in the FS9 model, except in a somewhat half-hearted attempt at shading in the textures. The terrible effects of polygon stripping are unfortunately noticeable in many other aspects of the model, as well, the nose and the VC seat in particular appearing somewhat blocky.
Thanks for this nice review Ephram. For me the Fury would have been the main reason to purchase this package. However after your review I understand the Fury is a bit disappointing.

Must add, though, that if you want a Tempest, this is the package to get! Sure beats the pants off the frankly rather disappointing JustFlight attempt at the plane!
Well, I took my chances and answered my own questions. :monkies:

Pretty much everything Ephram said for the FS9 install is accurate. If you like to tweak things (like I do), then there might be some added value. :jump:

This morning I tinkered with the Typhoon and made some improvements. My immediate problem with my setup is that I could not see outside the aircraft. Both the prop and cockpit glass were so dark, it was like nighttime. I replaced the prop_blur.bmp with that from another a/c and added an alpha channel to the cockpit reflection file and now it the visibility from the VC is as it should be. I also changed the rotation for the tail wheel to improve stability during taxing. :wiggle:

This afternoon I'm going to work on that panel. The popup panels are horrible. I should be able to replace them with some freeware panels to improve things. The only other item I can think of is to add or imnprove the flap sounds.

Other than what has been stated on the Typhoon, my real disappointment is with the Fury. In FS9 it loses a few things. I noticed that the wing struts do not reach the wing spars in either the VC or external views like they show in the FSX pics. The cockpits and sounds and textures are great, but that one model error takes the appeal away. So if anything, this one is going in the hangar until the model gets a fix, if ever. :blind:

As for the Hurricane and Tempest, they are great with one exception. These two, along with the Fury, have the VC gauges built as part of the aircraft models. All the gauges are clear except for the compass. Since I can't swap out the VC gaugues, I'll have to add some popups including a compass. These don't have popup gauges like the Typhoon. :kilroy:

One last comment. There are no external navigation or recognition lights on any of the aircraft. Hopefully somebody can figure these out so they can be added.
