(Hawker) Hurricane season has started...........

huub vink

Staff member
This morning (Mid European Time) I have uploaded the textures I recently did for the 2006 Freeware FS9 Aeroplane Heaven Early Mk.I Hurricane.

Squadron Leader Gillan No. 111 Squadron:


Hurricane L1584 No. 111 Squadron Bastille Day over Paris 14 July 1938.


Hurricane L1574 No.56 Squadron North Weald 1938

Wow... very nice .Huub... you've given new life to sumthin old... they still hold there ground.... even after all these years.

AH really make detailed ac... it's a credit to them... nuthin but the best

Should look good in cfs2.... :encouragement:

Cheers mav
Wow... very nice .Huub... you've given new life to sumthin old... they still hold there ground.... even after all these years.

AH really make detailed ac... it's a credit to them... nuthin but the best

Should look good in cfs2.... :encouragement:

Cheers mav

This Aeroplane Heaven set has been converted to CFS2. So the textures should work in CFS2. However I have added some alphas to make the aluminium dope slightly reflective, which will make the lower surfaces a bit transparent. But when you remove the alphas the textures should work perfect.

BTW the fabric covered wings from the RAF Hurricanes were replaced by all metal wings, long before the war. However there are pictures, taken during the Battle of Britain, on which you can see Hurricanes refitted with fabric covered wings again. Aluminium was a sparse item during the Battle of Britain, therefore there often wasn't an other option than to fall back on the old wings.

Very nice work Huub. Really sets the Hurricane off.
As a personal aside, dad knew Edgar "Cobber" Kain and flew once with him, before he left to join the RAF, so there's always been an interest in any of his stuff.