Hawker Sea Fury Float Plane!


Retired SOH Admin
This may be old news to a lot of you folks, but I had no idea this package existed. It's by [SIZE=-1]David Hanvey and Paul Berry and is on Flightsim.com. The package name is [/SIZE]sfrel5.zip. A freakin' Sea Fury FLOAT PLANE! That is totally cool!

Thanks for the reminder!! Had this one stored for ages and totally forgotten about it, time to dust it off. Still maintain that the various wheeled Furys by this team are among the best of any aircraft available.
Don't forget their Tempest Mk.VI

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern MilitaryFS2004 RAF Hawker Tempest VI
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: tempvi.zip Size: 5,506,093 Date: 04-25-2004 Downloads: 4,197
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 RAF Hawker Tempest VI, NX142 GN-G from 249 Squadron of the Royal Air Force in 1948. This unit first equipped with the Tempest MkVI in 1946. It was based in Iraq, although along with other Middle East squadrons was highly mobile and moved around from place to place. The Tempests were replaced in 1950. This package includes a new model. The Tempest Mk VI evolved as a development of the Mk V, with a more powerful 2340 hp Sabre V engine. This is a FSDS V2 model for FS2004. It features 2D and virtual cockpit, opening cockpit canopy, moving pilot's head and many other animations as well as lights and automatic special effects. By David Hanvey and Paul Barry. Air file by Jerry Beckwith. Original effects by Jan Rosenberg.
Thanks for the reminder!! Had this one stored for ages and totally forgotten about it, time to dust it off. Still maintain that the various wheeled Furys by this team are among the best of any aircraft available.

Especially since Nigel gave us the Centaurus pack, and with all the updates over the years. I think the Flying Stations guys are making one for that other MS sim (what is it called again? :kilroy:) but it will still be difficult to top this one.

Clarke, I NEVER forget their Tempests, the Mk VI or the Mk II; a certain gentleman was working on a paintkit for them (but, like all of us, he has so many projects it is difficult to know which to do next) and another certain gentleman was going to make a Napier Sabre soundpack (but ditto).
Paintkit for the VI is complete i'm just trying to free up a week so i can work on the Tempest II paintkit for ya's all :salute: don't worry it's not forgotten :icon_lol:
Re: Same

"Good one!"

here's another one:

FS2004 Messerschmitt Bf109Z-1. A new FSDS v2 model for FS2004 produced by David Hanvey and Paul Barry based on Paul Rebuffat's single seater 109's. Air file for FS2004 by AirWrench. With thanks to Paul Rebuffat, Dan Swart, Bruno Duffort, Philippe Mehard, Paul Strany and AirWrench. Also thanks to the GroundCrew team and Mathias and Moparmike, in particular, for permission to use some of their gauges.

same place.
I have had this plane for quite some time now and I'm a bit surprised that no one did any repaints for it. It's a real blast to fly, it'd be ideal for those Alaskan Fishing Excursions that everyone is talking about...:salute:

I added a parking brake to the brakes section, wouldn't want to see this thing trucking down the ramp on it's own in a wind storm.

I added a parking brake to the brakes section, wouldn't want to see this thing trucking down the ramp on it's own in a wind storm.

"hey you seen my Float Fury anywhere?"
"You mean that thing rolling away down the field there?"

i was just thinking of Alaskan paints for it, darn you guys... *Adds to list of 'to-do' paints* :icon_lol: