He 111H Alphasims/Virtavias Heinkel He 111H


Members +
Hallo friends,
I just uploaded to the site my He 111H 2D panel.
It is done for the fine Alphasim / Virtavia Heinkel He 111H.
You need the original aircraft to use this panel.
For this reason I did not include the original gauges of this aircraft,
there are a lot other gauges I added.
Also I include alternative aircraft.cfg and airfile as I tweaked them.
I tried to be as close as possible to the original "Betriebsanleitung He 111 H fuer Besatzung"
edited by the RLM.
I do not include an readme or instructions or manual.
I had the feeling that nobody does read them or will be interested them.
It will take me more time to make a manual than the panel and gauges them selves.
So for experts.
I have some docs and the manual which can be found on the net
Usefull is also "Chuck-Guide-Il-2-Cliffs-of-Dover-He111"
He 111H 2D panel for Alphasims / Virtavias Heinkel He 111H

Hi Shessi,
glad to get your feetback and that you like it.
Wonder if you find out all the features I did realize.
I have started and than stopped to make a manual,
as I have only very sparse time, it wil certainly take me about two or three month to do one.
So I gave up the idea. Mainly as I believe that there will be too little interest for one.
Thank you again for your feetback
Heinkel He 111H 2D panel


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Panels

Description: FS2004 ACOF He 111H cockpit
This panel is intended for
Alphasims/Virtavias Heinkel He 111H,
You need the original aircraft to use this
By: Michael "Papi" Vader

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit Heinkel He 111H 2D panel
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
ALPHASIM Heinkel He 111H RAF AW177


A new entry has been added to Add-Ons Library, category FS 2004 Military skins - World War II

Description: FS2004 ACOF ALPHASIM He 111H as RAF AW177
This repaint shall represent a Heinkel He
111H as flown by the RAF from 1940 to
1943. You need the original aircraft
published by ALPHASIM / VIRTAVIA
By: Michael "Papi" Vader

To check it out, rate it or add comments, visit ALPHASIM Heinkel He 111H RAF AW177
The comments you make there will appear in the posts below.
He 111H 2D panel

It is improvements like your panel for the He 111 that will enable FS2004 to be viable for numerous years to come. Thanks michaelvader job well done: Dave.
Thank you

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words
I also have to thank a lot to the friends who
helped me to learn more and more to make new gauges and who provided me
a lot of help, documents and suport