Heads up #2 ! Travis AFB

No work for me !
Load stuck at 48 % and error (application not responding) :)

Try this, its from Firebird over on the MAIW forums.

I did actually find the cause here. The scenery calls for 'Travis_Surround.bmp' when in fact there is only a 'Pale Travis_Surround.bmp'

If you copy 'Pale Travis_Surround.bmp' and rename that to 'Travis_Surround.bmp' then your scenery will work with the VTPL still in place.

Just did the above edit and it works, no ctd. The bmp is in the scenery/world/texture folder
in the zip. Just copy/paste and rename.

I have all sceneries by John Stinstrom who is a really fine designer of military airfields! So thank you for the HU!