heads up! Heinkel!

FSX version ison the way

Hello Andi!

Thanks for your compliment.

The FSX version gonna be uploaded the following days!

By the way, if you use the 'Tailhook' and the 'Concorde Nose' - features, you could see the 'Schräge Musik' cannon and you could open the nose cap.

View attachment 65122

Have a happy flight!

Andreas Becker
Certainly deserves a sticky!
Thanks Andreas, for this very interesting, and - presumably - deadly aircraft!
I am skeptical though, about the flaperon operation: surely "up" isn't what you'd need, to take off??
"up" isn't what you'd need, to take off


I think I've missed the forest for the trees :isadizzy: !

Wing_Z, thanx for the remark.

Hello Andreas,

Thank you so much for this beautiful plane! I am keenly interested in Luftwaffe late-war planes, and flight sims give us a splendid opportunity to get to know even planes that were never built. The Schrage Musik is a nice touch, although I wonder how effective it would have been in practice, since the glow of the exhaust gasses would have alerted a potential target to the presence of the Heinkel, and it seems almost impossible to me to use Schrage Musik when the target is performing evasive manoeuvres.
I have one question (although this is about the FSX version, sorry). The canopy glass is not transparent. It is a kind of bleu. Do I have to take special actions to make the FSX-version work properly?

I hope we will see more ‘what-if’ Luftwaffe planes from you.

Best regards,

Schraege Musik, blue canopy

Hello Stickshaker,

well, the effectiveness of the "schraege musik" armament was probably the higher on propeller driven fighters, as they could better adapt themselves to the speed of bombers while 'diving' below them. Especially, as you wrote, when they performed evasive manoeuvres to get rid of the attackers.
On the other hand, after an alleged attack, the jet engines would have been able, unlike piston engined aircrafts, to proceed a massive acceleration to get off the danger zone very quick.

However, these are only speculations, as the P-1079A never has flown, nor even has been sketched on a real plan.
To build the aircraft, I could only rely on (sometimes absolutely beautiful) drawings and some brief descriptions online. In these descriptions, only two types of armament are specified. So, I decided to fit that up-firing cannon as an 'extra' to the bird.

The bluish glass in FSX shouldn't be a big issue, but that's really a matter of taste. If you send me a short notice to my email address (you'll find it in the Read Me file), I will send you my alternative bmp, so that you could test this option.

As it has made a lot of fun, to build this 'what-if' bird, I would certainly build some more similar aircrafts later.

Best regards

very nice aircraft .
I love all these " what if / luft 46 " types of aircrafts .
many thanks for this plane.