First from Patrice Grange --->
and from Mr Welker....
First from Patrice Grange --->
FSX / FS2004 Yak-7 winter paint, Stalingrad, 1942. Complete package, 3 versions, with full moving parts, animations, custom panel and a full virtual cockpit. The Soviet Yakovlev Yak-7 was developed from the earlier Yak-1 fighter, initially as a trainer but quickly converted back into a fighter. Substantially the Yak-7 was a two seat Yak-1 and, even when used as a fighter, the rear cockpit has often been retained as it could be used to carry technical personnel during moves or to rescue shot-down pilots. Surprisingly, the Yak-7 has often been considered as a better fighter than the original Yak-1. The one presented here wears the classical white winter paint used during the battle of Stalingrad at the end of 1942. This original package contains 3 versions: clean version with one pilot, clean with pilot and instructor (trainer), or armed with Soviet rockets. Includes full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gear, flaps, opening canopies, landing light, ...), an original custom 2D panel and a full animated VC. Designed by Patrice Grange, September 2014.
and from Mr Welker....
FSX/FS2004 Blohm & Voss Ha-139 V1 & V2 floatplane from 1937. This upgrade of my very first 3D-model comes with a dynamic VC with animated yokes and throttles. Also the seats for the navigator, engineer and radio operator are represented. The Ha139 was one of the biggest float planes ever built. It was a German catapult launched mail-carrier plane, equipped with four Diesel Engines. Only three planes was buildt: V1 "Nordwind", V2 "Nordmeer" and V3"Nordstern". The planes was used to shorten the time for transatlantic cross overs. Therefore they was carried on a tender vessel and when within proper range (max. 5000 km) they was catapulted for take offs. This upgrade provides not only a VC but also seven additional look around offset views for FS2004 and four cockpit cameras (addditional to the seven aircraft cameras) for FSX and two paints for "Nordwind" and "Nordmeer". A very special animation is included: A supply boat is approaching and stopping at the float. This is a whole airplane, made by Erwin Welker