Its true, I work real hard at my flight sim addons. too hard sometimes. But as any "Real" good designer will tell you if its in your heart you will never stop. In my heart of hearts flight sim is, I love it so much My wife has to break the habit for a while, hence the 1 year long disappearing acts. But then She is even more in my heart then flight sim so I figger its a good trade off once in a while.:ernae:
You know what.. if you dont fly regularily with your beer buddies, then you lose perspective of the art form and the pure awesomeness of the community and the hobie of flight sim. Im under so much presure right now to go commercial, but my heart just isnt there. Its stressfull for me at this point... but I truely believe that there must be freeware, Not dissin the pay ware guys. I figger they have their part in this too. but the facts are, with out real good freeware to keep pushing it along this would be a dead horse. And I for one will not let that happen.. well as far as I can help that is. With great freeware designers and we all know who they are...

the community will live on forever. I know for my part I am looking foreward to at least 20 more years of designing. I really hope others will stick around too.
Any ways, yes, I love to fly and I fly alot, the funest part of flying is flying other folks contributions, whether pay ware or freeware, its a contribution and I love it.!