Heinkel He59 B2 float plane

Thanks to Silvia Borja/Pilot Azul for the CFS2 original model. I just took it and re-vamped it by adding new crew, guns, re-maping the texs and painting a new skin, re-doing the airfile (that was way out!) etc. So it wouldn't be here without her initial efforts :applause:

It was one of those ac that I always liked, and wanted to see it looking good both in CFS2 and FS9.

Started and on the back burner is a re-do of the Fokker T8 from AFScrub, lots to do on that including a VC, new crew, guns, texs etc......


Oh yes please!! Just up my alley. You ARE really getting a lot of those unusual & missing from FS aircraft out.

Much Thanks
(waiting for the Mayo?) :)
Another little gem, thanks Shessi.

Is there a wet theme? Hadn't noticed. :-D Would it be too much to hope for a Dornier or two to be on that list?
Thanks Shessi, as a Dutchman I'm of course really looking forward to the Fokker T8W. A real interesting aircraft as it was operational with the Dutch, German and British Air Force.

Oh and remember the Dutch roundels is always red-white-blue seen clockwise. So please don't mirror the textures. :encouragement:


You're welcome Huub,

Nics pics, she's a sedate old ladyto sight-see with, but a bit of fun.

Yes most definitely, many thanks to Sylvia.
