Helicopter flight training


Charter Member
Well folks, It seems that our interest in flying choppers have been rekindled with the release of Vald's excellent Mil 8.

I was wondering if anybody knows of a good manual for learning flight simulator helicopter flight, including how to make precision approaches and landings?

Is there such a guide out there?

My theory on helicopter landings.....If the helo isn't on fire after the landing, it was a good landing!

I don't know of any flight sim tutes on flying helos. I could benefit from one as well.

You might want to check out hovercontrol.com they have training on there.

Haven't flown this one yet but if you have lots of trouble, take heart. Lots of sim helos come very twitchy out of the box. Some CFG TLC can make them almost realistic.
I've flown the FS helos many times, and one thing I would recommend getting, if you don't already have, is a good set of pedals. The finite control of the tail rotor is a lot easier with them than if you have a twist joystick or the keyboard keys. Before I picked up mine, I had a lot of difficulty maintaining control. After I got them, I had a lot easier time, and it didn't take long before I could fly circles around the guys that didn't have them. Hovering is a lot easier because you can control the direction more quickly.