helicopters ?

They are really imported helo models with extreme fixed wing dynamics that fly sort of helo like. That said, the videos I've seen of the early versions have been very impressive.

I get that they are excited to have something no one else really does, but I think it's a bit of a mistake to be making it sound so official and hyping it up like this. They are setting everyone up for some disappointment when they find out the limitations.

That said, innovation and doing creative things is the best part of the community so lots of credit for that!
They are really imported helo models with extreme fixed wing dynamics that fly sort of helo like. That said, the videos I've seen of the early versions have been very impressive.

I get that they are excited to have something no one else really does, but I think it's a bit of a mistake to be making it sound so official and hyping it up like this. They are setting everyone up for some disappointment when they find out the limitations.

That said, innovation and doing creative things is the best part of the community so lots of credit for that!

What ? You mean they really reused that old FS5 trick to "fake" VTOL by exagerrating the flaps lift ?
If so, wow, talk about a dissapointment...

I don't remember if anybody answered this, but what about the legacy flight model ? Helicopters are not supported anymore in Legacy mode ?
Every update has been a disappointment so far. UK is a joke. How are "they" going to do heliocopters correctly? ASOBO can't get elevations right. I'm surprised that developers keep working with them.
Please note, these Helos aren't from ASOBO, they're just freeware add-ons made to work within the existing airplane flight model. They don't have anything to do with MS/ASOBO.
yes - if you have questions please open the link in the original post.
3rd party helicopters are not ASOBO product and will be limited by the current MSFS global aerodynamics model

Will it be a fully defined, hi fidelity helicopter experience - probably not.
Will it be fun? most likely yes.
Will it be free and simple to add to and remove from your community folder? yes
So what is the fuss? dunno
after all, it isn't like these guys are defiling some ultra perfect flight simulator with inferior, reputation damaging malware.
or charging money for some falsely advertised 'real as it gets' air superiority fighter jet :mixed-smiley-010:
Proper helicopter support is tentatively scheduled for 2022, per Asobo's roadmap. So if we can get something helicopterish to hold us over until then, sure, why not? :encouragement:
H 135 0.79


Has anyone tested the latest version of the H 135?

For me it is quite successful and allows a stable and controlled flight.

There is still perfectible especially for the modeling of the cockpit and the external parts.

have a good day.
I have downloaded it but haven't tried it yet. In the meanwhile, two newer version got released :/
From the screenshots, indeed the 3D model could use some improvements, especially for the VC.
However, given their achievements so far, and the unbelievable pace at which they update the addon, I'm pretty sure it won't take long before this copter becomes a real beauty :)

What do you think about the flight model ? Can you compare it with other copters from P3D or XPlane ?
it has a basic flight model. Version 0.79 is the latest and probably the one you want. There is a nice sound mod for it too at the Flightsim.to website

here is a start-up vid - please note that you are supposed to cycle the throttle full forward and back to idle before engine start - otherwise it will hop in the air
when you activate the FADEC switch...like it does in this video lol -

Also note that my 'zoom' view toggle failed to function on this run but I think you can see where all the buttons and switches are.
