Hello All


Members +
I have been a member for a couple years, but never set up to communicate. Duh!!
Anyway,,, I started flying in 1966 at Sheppard AFB, Tx. while stationed there as a Reciprocating Engine Training Instructor. I learned to fly working at the Base Flying Club, working for flight time. "Piston Poppers is my thang", not much into the "Suck, Whiz, Bang, and Blow" stuff.... I like the radials. After Sheppard I went to Mather AFB, Ca. and worked on T-29's. We had 99 of them there then. Then on to Nam 10/67 to 10/68 at Tan Son Nut (Saigon) and Pleku. After returning stateside I got my private, commercial, multi-engine, instrument, flight instructor, and powerplant mechanic lic..

Started flying Sim with the FS98 and on thru to now P3Dv2.4.. I love flying scenery and acft as real as I can. I look forward to flying with some of you on multi-player.

Antique Airlines was a EC-47 (Electronic Warfare) Squadron based out of Tan Son Nut.. (Avatar)