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New to the site, so thought I'd drop a few words to say hi to you all.
Long time modder of planes in FS2004 and only recently upgraded to MSFS 2020. So I have lots to learn. Also, my avatar, the more keen eyed among you might notice that it is a DH86 Express. I was wondering, is anyone working on one for MSFS 2020 by any chance? I loved flying this in the old FS2004
DH86 Express3.jpgand would love to do so again, but my modelling skills are very poor. So this is an appeal then to anyone out there who does have the skill to do this beautiful plane the justice it deserves.
Anyways, hello to you all and fair skies!

Indeed! You have good eyes, MrZippy! I still fly it regularly too, but FS2004 is really showing its age now. Still, I wouldn't be without it as it has given me years and years of flying pleasure. I wonder if MSFS '20 will last as long!
I am guessing many of you recreate famous flights? One I did a while back in FS2004 was the Jay Prochnow flight on 22nd December 1978. Details here:
Basically, this was a long distance flight in a Cessna C188 AGwagon across the Pacific. A movie was even made about it. You can watch it here:
The model I used was one, I think, by J.R. Lucariny that is still available on some sites. I modded it to carry the extra fuel it needed for the trip.
Further digging revealed there is even a version by Alabeo for FSX Steam Edition, available here. Looks quite detailed, too, if I say so myself.
Anyways, some screenshots from that trip. It was quite an adventure and I got lost a fair few times too! Made it to Auckland in the end though.AG15.jpg
An interesting and different little plane to fly, and highlights for me the sheer depth of choice there is of aircraft for the older versions of Flight Sim. This is why I still keep them around. :)
I hereby designate you the 'Official Greeter' Hertzie! You can welcome everyone with that line if you like! :LOL: