Hello friends


Charter Member
Hello friends, My name is Sid,a 40-something year old sim pilot. I am new here and I wish all of you well. I am very familiar with the microsoft FS products, but know almost nothign about X-plane 9. I was wondering if one of you would kindly answer a few simple questions for me:
1) How realistic is the ground environment for X-plane 9? For example, roadways, water effects, any road traffic?
2) How hard is it to build your own aricraft with 3-D cockpits? Are there any guides? This is ana rea I am particularly interested.
3) What types of AI traffic is available?
4) Here is the (probably) most contoversial question: how does X-plane 9 compare with FSX and FS 2004 as far as running smoothly on mediocre PCs; I know FSX is very poorly behaved on mediocre PCs.
Sid I'm gonna be honest with ya! The last place to make a comparison with X-Plane vs FSX and FS9 is here in the SOH forum. You might come up with 4 or 5 people in here that think X-Plane is the "cat's pajamas," but that is about it.

I will say that X-Plane is coming along nicely. Austin Meyer has started listening to the FSX crowd and has come up new and better AI coming in X-Plane 10 and busier airports. Better cities that actually look like the cities they are supposed portray. The constant argument as two which one is more accurate is mute! Unless you pay for the very expensive commercial version of X-Plane it comes out about the same.

As far as flight modeling you will have to ask a dev like Lionheart in the forum. I think he made an unsuccessful attempt at it. They do have some incredible aircraft and Virtual cockpits now. I have several that I like very much. I still hate the ground textures in World Scenery but love the water textures which I think are superior to FSX default, but not REX2 with FSX. I fly both but love FSX more now with all the new scenery(GEX and FTX) and excellent aircraft.

You might check out www.x-plane.org but you will find the forum there EXTREMELY BIASED! There are some great payware aircraft and scenery devs over there, however!
Thanks man, appreciate your reply. My interest in X-plane is to see if it is easier to build aircraft with VCs using plane-maker. I know how to do it in FSDS 3.5 and it can be a monster of a project.

Thank you.