Hello OLD crew... Danoman here.


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Howdy fellow fliers...!!!

Been a LONG time since being on and it's good to be back. Have a question... how to get a multiplayer game up and going. My son is now of age to fly and combat (we got this game when he was a baby, yeah... LONG time ago) lol

Even if it's only a LAN game between our computers, that'd still be awesome... thanks for any comments or suggestion in advance. :)

Glad to have you back ! A tutorial is found here in the forum section at the top of the normal discussions(pinned threads) .The instructions will help greatly to get you up and going in Win 7.
Welcome back Danoman. I used to fly with my lad before he got interested in 'other things'. If I remember right it was dead easy to set up using the cfs3 multiplayer tabs. Enjoy! :0)