Hello( Posted this on the wrong forum)


Charter Member

Hi, after a long time. I used to be Roger55 but now for some reason I've turned into Roger58. I really should be Roger60

I think I saw a familiar name "Wiley". If any one remembers me, HI! Hi to everyone else.

I have a DH-4 in mail plane livery but for some reason it sinks into the runway. I guess I need to load AC Containment Manager and try to figure out why.

I did get Bill Lyons stuff reloaded (personalized because I bought them) and a Great Lancaster. There's a copy of Earhart's Electra too. Wasn't Bill a great designer!?! :salute:

New Computer you see.

I don't know if I want FSX. It seems to be for the airliner types. I'll hang around their forum and see.

Some of these planes I'll never get back because the "key" requires an online connection.:173go1: Good thinkink by those companies.​

Beware the stork:kilroy:
I guess I'm as dead here as on Flightsim where they don't remember my user name, my email, or my password.

Have you turned into a Combat sim place completely?
as far as the "keys" you didnt happen to save the download info from the payware planes in an email program like Yahoo or hotmail did you?they are online and you dont lose those when you change PCs...thats the problem with using outlook....i allways use a web based email program so that if i have a hard drive crash or buy a new pc..i can go back to my saved info in the email and recontact the "companies" to get a new download...,most will if yu have all your info..give you a new download
Sadly, Daveroo, no. I have some "key" files on my external hard drive that did not work when I had disk crashes; so, I doubt they will work now.

On a lighter note Avsim recognizes me.:jump: So did The Old Hanger but things seem kind of dead there.
Might be worth sending them an E-mail with what you have...some companies really do know how to spell Customer Service. Others not so much.

As for Bill Lyons....yes he was truly one of the great ones of our hobby and usually a few month if not years ahead with what he and the wife created in the sim. A lot of which only much later became "standard" fare.
The only other guy that comes close in my mind is Mr.Shupe.

Speaking of whom, he has published a nice tutorial somewhere around here explaining exactly how to adjust the contact points to avoid that sinking feeling you have.

Hey Roger! Long time no see! (just found this thread).

I've got a smaller old 40g HD in my comp that I use to keep backups of smaller files and and stuff that I don't think I could replace. Probably could stand to replace it with something larger.

As for FSX, I'm still running the same old comp that I've had for years. The FSX Demo threw a fit when I tried to run it, so I've stayed with FS9. Obio posted a thread a month or so ago that had a lot of good info on making FS9 look better for free.
Hi Roger, and welcome back. I seem to recall you attemping to refly the Ryan NYP from NY to Paris in FS9?

The only combat I know of is taking place in the CFS forums. Can't shoot a thing in here. :p:

Here goes. I installed ACCM and put the up the DH4. The contact points appeared in the right spots. I saved the file as is. Surprise. The plane sits on not in the field. This I really can figure out. Now I have to research the tank size they used when they modified the mail planes (DH-4s) for the transcontinental route.

I downloaded Amy Johnson's DH60G that she used on the flight to Australia (over dial up as always). After much searching I found a map of her route. It's too small to read all the airfield names. This gets harder after she gets to India. :wavey: