Hello to all


Charter Member
Hi Gents, Just wanted to say hello, I'm a returning player to cfs3.

I used to design mission packs and other small utilities for CFS3 under the username Mixxa, the site still has some of my mission packs from back in the early 2000's such as "Tiffie" "When Flying Bombs Attacked" "Italian Stallions" and with life's many twists and turns I find myself back here, currently reading all the sticky's and trying to remember everything about this game.

Good work to those that have kept the game alive and to the staff here at the "outhouse" for still supporting this and other classic games

Really enjoyed your work, Mixxer! The Italian Stallions package is a classic.

Good to see you and hope you stop by more often!
Welcome back. Good to see you again after all this time. My handle used to be just "sixstrings". A lot has happened to CFS3 in the last few years and still on going . CFS3 still has some life to it ! Regards,Scott
Thanks all

Im glad I kept all the files I d/l back then a lot of the old sites have moved on but the downside is trying to sort through around 2000 zipped files is very time consuming
