Hello to all !


Members +
I'm new to FSX I just bought recently.
I knew FS9 but I rarely practiced.
I realize that FSX much greater than XPlane community, which is why I am moving more towards this game to navigate planes that I know pretty well.
I practice flight simulation since the beginning of IL2, then I moved on RoF.
I have tried BoB but I'm actually very disappointed by this game .. as much ...
When I do not fly on air, I walk or ArmA2 arma3 I play for the first ArmA.
I was part of the directors of SFM (Simulation France Magazine ) website which has now closed...Too bad it was a good site!

I discovered your site and it seems to me very well because I find all the subjects that interest me.

A soon! :wavey:

Sorry for my English written.....
Hi longnez! I' m flying with FSX about 5 years.... It's very easyly and here you will find a lot of persons they will help you.... me included ;) Alors, comme on dit en français, Bienvenu longnez, bonne chance avec FSX et bonne permanence entre nous! :rolleyes: je suis suisse