Hi Peoples, I am trying to do a flak-tower in gmax, i hope to add 4x 20mm quads to the turrets,Now what is the best way to go about this, as i am hoping to animate them, revolving/elevating, is this do-able as a building, or would i have to make it a vehicle,or even an aircraft, thanks in advance, Jaycee.
Sure, it can be made as a 'building'!
(I'm pretty sure) If you have the ETO expansion, take a look in your buildings folder, for 'ber_flakturm_I', and look over the .xdp.
In a 'building' .xdp, you simply add in gunstations.
But, in the gmax model, and the CFS3 model, you need all of the 'guns' built into the model itself.
That's what I had to do on my Flakturm I, especially since the guns were at an elevated location, on top of the building. The bad part is, in the model, you need the actual gun model, added to the model itself, with all the needed gun dummy parts in place.
So, you either import (gmax) gun models, or build your own.
But, yeah, it works. Hehe, just take a flight over Berlin. (The guns won't work in freeflight, so try ground attack.)