HELP! CFS3.xca CH Rudder Pedal problems (???)


B Bandy RFC

Hello all,

My CH rudder pedals and joystick work in harmony in unmodded CFS3 install (as well as other flight sims) but I'm having a miserable time getting them to work in fresh ETO install.

I've browsed forums and found .xca file text edits to get rudder pedals to work (see below), and these simple text edits did work the first time. THEN the next time I started ETO the pedals stopped working, and only my joystick twist handle worked the rudders. Tried the text edits again, but wouldn't work 2nd time.

Inserted between </Device> and </Mappings> at the end of the file:

<Device Type="CH Pro Pedals USB">
<GameMode Name="Player">
<Axis ID="X" Action="AXIS_LEFT_BRAKE_SET" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Y" Action="AXIS_RIGHT_BRAKE_SET" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>
<Axis ID="Rudder" Action="Set_Yaw" Scale="64" Nullzone="36"/>

So I next copied the stock .xca file out of my working CFS3 and pasted into CFS3-ETO, and rudder pedals worked again, temporarily. I even repeated the copy/paste and made .xca properties 'read-only', but every time I start a new session the rudder pedals fail to work...

HELP! WHAT AM I MISSING?!? Do I need to somehow disable my joystick twist handle in CFS3-ETO config? As mentioned, I have no problems with BOTH rudder pedals and joystick in unmodded CFS3.

Is this a bad install?
Resolved this (I hope). Cleared out .xca files (including a custom one I forgot I made, sometimes we are our own worst enemies) and started fresh with a stock CFS3 file. So far so good.
I didn't post anything because it looks as though you were doing the right sort of thing...

You can deactivate the twist grip simply by hand-editing it out, which I guess you already know, too.
Hi ndicki, and thanks for reply.

I had a run of good luck for a while (perhaps didn't reboot) but now again my rudder pedals are not working in ETO. Even a copy/paste of my stock/unmodded CFS3 into ETO doesn't work to resolve this!!!

How is the CFS3.xca changing everytime I boot up? ANY advice sincerely appreciated.

EDIT: OK browsed elsewhere some more and MAYBE have a new angle (can't say now, I'm sadly at work).

Is it true that CFS3.xca does not allow direct edits to the file?
As mentioned, am unfamiliar with CFS3 guts. If this is so, was creating my own frustration no?

From what I just read I think I need to go to the in-game 'Control Setup' and save a controller configuration, THEN edit that .xca file ...

However, this still does not explain why my CH pedals work fine in unmodded/stock CFS3.xca but not in ETO....
Never had this... I'm trying to find the stock .xca somewhere in an install. If you rename your modded version to the same name as the stock one, you might be able to fool it... Just thinking aloud here... Looks like you already have. Have you cut the reference to the rudder OUT of the joystick attributions, so it figures only in the pedal attributions?

Found it! In CFS3 root, you have "devices.xml" - I'd back that up and then have a go at it with notepad until it does what it should. I think this is the file that regenerates your cfs3.xca. I think... If you copy the devices.xml out of your install which works, and then copy the cfs3.xca from the same install into ETO app. data, you may find it works. Good luck!
OK, again, many thanks. This sounds more promising. I'll give 'er a go when I get home and report later.