Help ETO crashes on start up


Home for tea and tiffin!
I have suddenly developed a problem where I can select any era, and the came starts up. The Era small splashscreen appears then disappears as it should leaving the black screen, which instead of reappearing as the UI animation, Vista shuts it down. I tried Househobbit's missions, then test flew my own mission last night OK. It started fine this morning, and I flew Househobbit's altered missions OK. The only extras he required was a facility file. ETO was shut down. the next time I tried it hasn't started since.
  1. I am running as Admin and the UAC is off.
  2. The only added item since perfect running was one facility file.
  3. I have tried using new discs, zapping BDP files and taking out Househobbits stuff.
  4. In many ways this is classic sound file prob symptom, but i haven't added a new aircraft for weeks or altered any sound files at all!
I'm running out of ideas, does anyone have any suggestions? Please:isadizzy:
WOW Beau,
It is a puzzle to me, I just loaded and flew the missions i sent to you..
And with PTO and DPC both down that sounds like something in your Apps DATA file
Check the Apps Data, see if your Visel has gotten corrputed..
Let me know what you find. I am still using XP..Sp3
If there is ANYTHING you need from me let me Know..
Thanks for all the advice i will launch an al out strike on the Uisels ASAP.

BTW Owen mate, I doubt very much anything of yours did this. Don't fret it.:monkies:
Well I just don't get it. After speaking to Kasey last night I had a few more ideas of what to try, but no time to do to bed. After a few jobs around the house this morning, I made a coffee and thought I'd try Kasey's 1st suggestion and try the vanilla CFS3, and what do ya know it started up. So I tried ETO and that worked too. I put in Owens latest mission pack and that works too! So go figure...I don't know what's gone on. But AM I relieved. :jump:


Oh and PTO and DPCkorea work now too.
Hi BB,
It may have been a RAM memory issue or a stay-resident programme. By shutting down completely and firing up from 'cold' in the morning the prog was not running and max RAM memory was available.

Not teaching you to suck eggs! but it may just be worth doing a disc clean up and defrag to optimise HDD.....the dreaded 'just in case'.

(I know that gut wrenching feeling, when something goes wrong with your pride and joy! :crybaby: :d)

Cheers Shessi