Help!...experiencing crashes w/ Thunder Bay UT Scenery...


Its the first time that FS2004 has crashed on me. I have ultimate terrain usa and canada/alaska installed. I installed Thunder Bay scenery for Ultimate Terrain by flight ontario and everytime I select CYQT, the thunder bay airport, it crashes at roughly 47% load; not sure where the issue is as it worked fine on my older setup without any Ultimate Terrain scenery not sure what gives?? I have the Ontario Landclass installed and one of FlightOntario's other sceneries, GTA v2.0 covering Toronto and surroundings works perfectly fine. I already emailed flight ontario and I know it will be a while for them to get back to me and so I was hoping if anyone here experienced incompatibility/crashes between flightontario's thunder bay scenery and flight1's ultimate terrain scenery and managed to resolve it, then it would be awesome if you'd consider sharing the solution...many thanks in advance!
Dont have UT myself, but seem to recall there was an issue between Canada and USA versions, try disabling the USA UT and see what happens.


appreciate the help -many thanks, but it's not quite it; I am not really experiencing any issues between ut usa and ut canada/alaska - they appear to function fine for me atleast, but the thunder bay scenery when activated in the library and thereupon trying to load flight at the in the area (cyqt) which is part of the thunder bay scenery (and which has been designed to work with ultimate terrain just as have most other releases from flightontario), causes the sim to crash at around 47% load (unlike the rest of their ut compatible sceneries and which function fine); I honestly think it's a bgl in the thunder bay scenery that's in conflict with the ultimate terrain scenery in the area and/or there is a missing texture file...cannot really figure out what the source of the issue the sim works quite well without the thunder bay scenery; with just the ut usa, ut can/alaska installed...I think I'll live without it else my entire simming experience in USA/Canada will be out of whack...thanks anyways...
; I honestly think it's a bgl in the thunder bay scenery that's in conflict with the ultimate terrain scenery in the area

er, thats what I meant.. seem to recall one of the USA bgls has to be deactivated as its in conflict with Thunder Bay.


ah ha! thanks then...that clears some of it. Now if I only knew which bgl...regardless thanks, appreciate the assistance!