Help Fing FS9 Config Sys File


Charter Member
I've been away from FS9 for two years, but with a new gaming laptop, I'm getting back into it. I transferred all of my old files from the HDDs off my old desktop that died and have not had any problems to speak of. However, my memory (the one I was born with) isn't what it used to be and, for the life of me, I can't find the FS9 config sys file. I'm now using Win 7 rather than XP, so things are different enough to confuse an old man.

FWIW I'm using A Cyberpower Fangbook FX7-100 with a 17" screen, Intel i7 4700MQ, nVidia GTX 770M, 256GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD, 1TB 7200rpm HDD, 8GB G.Skil 1600 RAM. My old Saitek AV8TOR joystick wouldn't work so I bought a new Thrustmaster joystick. Cooling is not a problem, even on my lap. Performance is vastly superior to my 2004 AMD Clawhammer rig (DUH!!!). I have my frame rate locked at 33fps, and I've yet to see them drop. I have FSX istalled also, but because of the learning curve combined with my 63 year mind, I'll mess with that later on.

Anyway, enough bragging :mixed-smiley-010:. I have lots of new things to catch up on, so once again I'll mingle among the best group of Flight Simmers around.

Thanks in advance for the config sys answer, and, if possible, someone(s) could shed some light on what kind of performance I could expect with FSX.

Thanks again. See ya later.
Do you mean the fs9 cfg file? If so in Windows Explorer go to your name, Application Data(App Data), Roaming ,Microsoft, fs9,in the fs9 folder you will find the fs9 cfg file, that's the way it is in my Windows 7 install.
Thank you ever so much. I'd added the old modules "fix" the other day but couldn't remember how to find my way back.
Access to that file is so common it's worth making a shortcut to it on the desktop.
In the folder where I keep all my misc. FS files, I also keep a shortcut to the "hidden" FS9 app data folder. That way, I always have a quick way in.
Thank you, Tom. I'd done that on my old system, but forgot about doing it this time. So, done and done, and a tip of the tattered fedora to you.

BTW, everyone, expect many more questions concerning little, forgotten things.
