Help FS9 -Odd Problem


Charter Member
Want to see if anyone knows what would cause FS9 to freeze in a black screen after ending a flight? I tried to backtrack to see what installation may be the culprit but thus far, I am at a loss. It happens sometimes, other times it does not. No obvious pattern, very random.

Any ideas?
You are not alone, either in having the problem or knowing what to do about it.
I usually had to ctrl/Alt/Del and end the program and restart it again.

At the time I suspected a corrupt file, probably gauge or scenery, but later on I had strong suspicions that it may have been caused by an imported AF2. I had duplicate flight plans (airliners etc in close formation) causing reduced frame rates, so I decompiled all flight plans and started again from scratch. Didn't notice the freezing problem had vanished until a few months later, so cannot be sure that was the cause., but it may give you somewhere to start looking.
deathfromafar, how does FS9 run during a flight before you exit the flight and the black screen occurs? Do you have a good video card and enough RAM for FS9 to run with good FR's during the flight? My computer is old and I've noticed my FS9 occasionally locks up tight when I shift from Spot Plane view to 2D or VC, and sometimes when I start a flight. Frozen screen or black screen with green lines at top. When it happens I can't even do Ctrl+Alt+Del, I have to power down and re-boot.
Well this is very, very wierd. I developed this issue lately myself and was writing it off to just too much stuff in there. But now I am wondering, this along with the turkey issue is making me think good ole MS has pushed something out to us all in automatic updates and is causing issues with our FS9. Maybe they think we should be on FSX, scary thought. :( I've been ctrl alt del also to end my sessions when I get hung up. I usually get about two or three changes in my aircraft before this happens to me. Very annoying. :sleep:

LouP :kilroy:

PS. I also am having duplicate AI in close formation so maybe thats a lead. Thanks you Sandar.
Yes this is odd that a few folks are having nearly the same problem. Another friend of mine out in the FS world suffered the same issue lately.

First off, my sim is fairly recently reinstalled Totally fresh. Loads up super fast, runs good. However, recently I began to notice this freeze up in a black screen when ending a flight. It doesn't happen every time, only once every few flight endings. It's crazy. My system is in good shape even with a little age, it is stocked with a good video card and 2gb of RAM and the Hard Drive is in good shape. It runs FSX Gold smoothly with no errors like I am having in FS9. I followed what sandar mentioned above. Seems to be helping so far. Will advise what happens over the next few days.
Did any of you happen to install any scenery for Iceland right before this started?

Did any of you happen to install any scenery for Iceland right before this started?


I have the same problem as you all but I seem to remember getting some strange reactions on my FS9 when I tried to install the SAAB J35 Draken 3.2. about a week ago.
My screen froze a few times and only a reboot would get it back on and I never did manage to fully install this plane. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it a couple of times but still without success.
I finally gave up and downloaded it to file #13...

Prior to that, no black screen...
Since then, it comes and goes after a while, without reason.

Yesterday, I did a "complete" virus scan of my PC which came out empty handed...
I'm wondering if all the Draken files were removed when I did the uninstall...

Well I got the issue twice tonight. The second time I did a little digging. While in the black screen I did a ctrl alt del and saw that my cpu was running at 100% of its capacity. I tried to launch process monitor to see what was going on and it could not even launch, I am assuming from a lack of resources to run. I killed FS9 and process monitor came up immeadiately. I check my cpu load and it was still at 100%. I looked at the process monitor and saw the the majority of the resources where being utilized by a process called lsass.exe. I need to find out what this is and am starting to suspect that we all picked up a virus some how. maybe in a download. Or maybe it is something MS pushed out to us. Frustrating.

Well I got the issue twice tonight. The second time I did a little digging. While in the black screen I did a ctrl alt del and saw that my cpu was running at 100% of its capacity. I tried to launch process monitor to see what was going on and it could not even launch, I am assuming from a lack of resources to run. I killed FS9 and process monitor came up immeadiately. I check my cpu load and it was still at 100%. I looked at the process monitor and saw the the majority of the resources where being utilized by a process called lsass.exe. I need to find out what this is and am starting to suspect that we all picked up a virus some how. maybe in a download. Or maybe it is something MS pushed out to us. Frustrating.

Is interesting about the mention of the new Draken 3.2 going in and some having issues with this problem I reported soon after. I'm wondering if that is maybe the cause. Some module or gauge causing a hiccup leading to the black screen freeze?
Also, I read that hackers are disguising the work by naming the virus something like Isass where the first letter is an upper case "i" versus the lower case "L". I am counting on my avast to figure this all out and will do a scan this week. Also, are your FS9 folders flagged as "read only". Mine is and I am not sure if this is correct or not.

Yeap, I read about that virus as well. I ran 2 scans, one with my normal anti-virus and the other symantec sasser removal tool. Came up clean. I'm going to continue the monitoring process to see how things run after a few adjustments and backward uninstalls. Will advise later.