Help get this whitley started and even get into cockit ?


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Having installed ETO many MANY months ago, trying to recall what to do.
I double click the ETO start icon, and choose 1 and hit enter.

I get a whitley and music and it pans around it, I cant see any way of progressing from there !

how does one get into cockpit, start engines, decide on a mission,

I have a sepia tinted Combat Flight Sim 3 Keyboard commands leaflet, press E and nothing happens, maybe it only starts engines when aboard.

No panel with course or any options for the flight,

cant remember what I did to even get the whitley, maybe I have installed a bomber command option and forgot I did so,

some success....update... I relaunched ETO and option 1, this time I see tabs down left side, was able to fly. however I am over england yet chose bombing mission, and I am being shot at by flak and there are Bf109G s buzzing about.

external view is fish eye and massive wings and small tail, how does one alter this to realistic ?

Then how does one take a picture and pan around the outside and zoom to and from composing the shot ?

Gun turrets are a pale grey and no detail, as if unfinished.

My TrackIR5 moves view in cockpit but sees nothing happen in gunners position.

cockpit interior is extremely crude, no rivets or weathering and bright very pale green , has this been improved on since created ?
U/C doors also same ultra pale bright green, I need to alter the skins, but how ?

Do you show some tabs to the left?? Did you install ETO over a virgin install of CFS3.1a ?
...and have you checked "f1" for help or the original game instructions? ...I need more data, more data.... :mixed-smiley-010:
Hi, yes followed the ETO installs exactly, firstly installing CFS3 then the updates then the ETO updates, exact as per instructions,

I see the tabs down left side upon aborting the tabless whitley, then running ETO start again, choose 1 etc etc, this time tabs, and chose bombing mission etc. as per my first post, so need to solve the issues now mentioned.


..."how does one alter this to realistic ?" ...just zoom out a bit w/ '[' and/or in w/ ']'
BTW the Whitley is a beta, that is 'unfinished'... Try the Wimpy (Wellington) ...she's a honey :ernaehrung004:

You can find all your commands under 'options' (upper right) then 'controls' options in gameplay...

Happy Landings

you mean to improve the distorted lens view hit [ or ]. I didnt quite get the / or is it w/[ or w/] ?

I shall soon find out, lets go flying !

I am amazed all flight sims go for the fish eye lens distorted too large foreground look. spoils all the good artwork and modelling.

I wish the Whitley was finished, its my fav aircraft alomg with wellington hampden and stirling.
is anyone working on the whitley ?

anyone help with the other questions:-
Then how does one take a picture and pan around the outside and zoom to and from composing the shot ?
My TrackIR5 moves view in cockpit but sees nothing happen in gunners position.

Ctrl + ; = take screenshot (Look in My Documents for the proper CFS3 install folder for the pics you take.)

Z = flight info in upper left-hand corner.

P = Pause Simulation.

Shift + D = toggle on/off Upper middle text

Shift + T = toggle on/off TAC screen.

T = cycle TAC screen.

Ctrl + Shift + L = toggle on/off ID labels.

Ctrl + Shift + I (rhymes with "eye") = toggle on/off target indicators (Brackets and Cone).

I (rhymes with "eye") = toggles on/off Cone only (only when Ctrl + Shift + I is on.)

[ = zoom out.

] = zoom in.

Function Keys:

F3 = toggle inside/outside Virtual Cockpit View.

F4 = Cycle External Views: Spot View, Chase View, Player/Target view, Virtual Cockpit view.

Ctrl + Shift + F4 = toggles reverse of Player/Target View, and back again.

F5 = toggles HUD display on/off.

F6 = Pilot's seat, and sometimes cycles different pilot views.

F7 = toggles bombsight.

F8 = Cycles through gunstations.

F9 = Bomb/Rocket View.

Shift + F9 = Flyby View.

Number Pad Keys, at right end of keyboard (NOT number keys above letter keys):

Pressing all but the number 5 wild rotate the various Views. Doesn't work while in Virtual Cockpit View, Player/Target View, or Flyby View.
Cheers, printed off and stuck to wall !

my Track IR, is it normal that it only functions in cockpit ?

Gun turret travers and raise/lower, operates with control column, glad the pilot is on auto !, other sims have mouse controlling machine guns for gunners.

Cheers, printed off and stuck to wall !

my Track IR, is it normal that it only functions in cockpit ?

Gun turret travers and raise/lower, operates with control column, glad the pilot is on auto !, other sims have mouse controlling machine guns for gunners.



I am glad to have been of service.

I do not use Track IR, so can't answer that question.

Here's a little trick. while still in Pilot's seat, place aircraft in Auto-Pilot (Ctrl + Shift + A). Then jump to another position using F8. Aircraft will stay straight and level, improving aim from a turret or other gunstation.