Help! I've broken all Microsoft Flight Simulator Products!


Charter Member
Hello everyone,

I was trying to get a Boeing Model 221a installed and running in FS2004 and was having problems. Then I realized I hadn't moved a file called GaugeSound.dll into my main FS9 directory, so I did. The plane installed, but I immediately lost my elevator in not only FS9 (its a Golden Wings 3 installation), but also in a stand alone FS9, and also in my five installations of CFS3 and Wings Over Flanders Fields! In IL-2 1946 and Rise of Flight my elevator works fine.

So I moved the GaugeSound.dll out of the main FS9 directory but that didn't help. I suspect that it has broken some universal file/setting that Microsoft uses for all its flight simulators. I've rebooted my computer several times, but no joy.

Any help would be appreciated as I won't know how to fix this short of reinstalling Windows 7. At the moment I am unable to use CFS3, WOFF, or FS2004!


P.S. I posted this in both the CFS3 and FS2004 sections as I need expert advice wherever I can find it!
have you checked your driver for your joystick?

if its affecting all of your MS games and not the others then its something they share when dealing with the controlar. maybe try rolling it back or getting an update. if you only added the dll to FS2004 then it should only affect that sim. just a guess.

oh does your controller have any software that stores profiles? If so check that. My logitech does. thats why I'm asking.

thats all I've got.
I've got a Thrustmaster T-16000m and I think its plug and play, but I'll check to see if it has drivers and update/reinstall them if so.

Also, I forgot to mention that I have fluid control of the y axis in Settings-Calibrate Joystick in FS9. Everything looks fine there, and I did recalibrate but that didn't help with elevator control of the planes.

Where was this GaugeSound.dll located originally and where did you move it to? It doesn't seem like something that would cause a problem like this. Is it possible that you changed something else around that time? Or that something just happened to break then?

That's happened to me before - I was moving a bunch of stuff around in preparation for attempting a dual boot with windows XP and my PC started shutting down randomly. It turns out it had nothing to do with what I was doing at all, but some dust had just clogged a critical part of my GPU and was causing it to overheat. Took me forever to figure out I hadn't caused the problem, but when I discovered the overheating it was an easy fix.
Problem solved, and I really appreciate everyone helping me think this through with your ideas.

I run a CH Pro Throttle with my Thrustmaster joystick. I have the profiles set in each game to look at my CH Pro Throttle for throttle, flaps, and gear etc, but ailerons, elevator and rudder on the Thrustmaster. I've had this setup for years. After a good nights sleep I checked the Assignments and sure enough the elevator had been activated on the CH Pro Throttle also. So it remained in the neutral position as I was trying to use the elevator from my Thrustmaster and they were competing with each other.

And get this, I checked one of my CFS3 installs which I haven't flown in about 2 weeks and found the same situation. How on earth this can happen I don't know. Its just me and my wife at home and she can barely use the computer for email. There is no way this could have happened, and yet it did. Friday afternoon - no conflict. Friday evening - conflict. I'm quite certain when I check all of my CFS3 installs and WOFF I'll find the same thing.

Put this one down to bizarre gremlin

Thank you everyone! :ernaehrung004: