In case you didn't get my PM with the link, here are the instructions for installing msstdfmt.dll in Vista32 and 64 as posted by Polovski:
Vista & msstdfmt.dll
Beauty is all the posts to fix all these things, many referenced in the FAQ are all gone now
When I click on the desk top icon to start the game I get the following error message:
Class not registered
You need the following file to be installed on your machine
If you are running Vista32 :
Download the dll from the FAQ
(to find it on that page press ctrl+f and type in MSSTDFMT.DLL search the page for it quicker)
To register the .dll do the following:
Left click start button > type in cmd in the search box,
then RIGHT click on the icon that appears top of screen and select "run as administrator"
In the new CMD window
at the prompt type in
regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll
this will register the dll
make sure the file dll is copied into the c:\windows\system32 folder first.
(replace c: with another letter if you installed windows to another drive)
For Vista 64
Do the same but instead change references of "system32" above to "SysWOW64" instead
It doesn't get much simpler than that. Actually the step just north of here about copying the file to system32 or in Vista64 SysWOW64 should be done prior to registering.