Hi all,
By chance, I already had the twin seater "E" variant, still available on some library as I found it last month (maybe avsim or simviation, will check and be back with a link !)
I'll focus only on the single seater "A" from now, to see if it is possible to fix this low fps issue. Any VC experts around ?
I did some testing on the "A" :
the "stock" aircraft installed, I get 15-18 fps in VC mode, the plane is hardly flyable because of lags, and the gauges are not properly refreshed wich makes them laggy too...
Remark : Usually the VC textures are located in the texture directory in the aircraft, in extended bmp format...but on this aircraft, the VC textures are located in the panel folder, in "stock" bmp format, ranging from 512x512 to 1024x1024 resolution, which make them a bit heavy (1 to 3 MB each)
Test #1 I removed the whole panel folder content (textures + panel.cfg) to see how the "blank" VC would perform : I get 23-26fps which is a bit better but still low considering there are no textures nor gauges displayed....
Test #2 I put back the panel.cfg in the panel folder to have the gauges displayed in VC without textures, fps down to 21-22 fps which is barely playable.
Remark #2 I use fs9 on a Window 8 OS (laptop Dell i7, 4go RAM, radeon 7730M, not an nvidia but working ok for fs9 - 35 to 60 fps usually)