HELP! Not All Keys on Keyboard Work.


Charter Member
The following work: F6, F7, G, P.

The Following DO NOT work: ESC, W, Enter & Backspace for changing eye-point, S.

Those are the only ones that come to mind, but there are others not working. Seems like many view functions don't work as well as ESC. Alt/Enter activate windowed (I think it's called) which is the only way I can end or save flight. Seems like problems began after last Microsoft update. I'm using Win 7 and FS9 is NOT in Microsoft Games section.

Any help is greatly appreciated as this fouled up way is driving me crazy.

Thank you in advance,

Maybe check all your key assignments in Flight Sim? Do the keys work without flight sim running? Also unplug the keyboard & replug to get Windows to see it again & lastly, try a new keyboard?
PS.. does not matter where FS is. My FS9, FSX & P3D have always lived in the default folder for many years. I just pulled the UA slider down to zero. Never a problem. (too many oracles out there & far too many believing nonsence).
My local Goodwill gets a LOT of Keyboards pass thru the outlet store and we're only talking about $2 for one. Not new and no guarantee but the price is right. Take a few and they'll cut you a deal if you ask. You GOTTA find one that works !!
Did you try resetting to defaults? We all forget to try that now and again. Another thought is that some programs, like new games or controller devices, will change key settings in FS. For example, ADE9 disables some keys while in use then reinstates them when done. Have you installed anything new? Just my 0.02.
We do tend to forget the basics...
Reboot PC
check kboard
While on, unplug & replug keyboard
:banghead: Have some tea/coffee/beer/coke/more tea
borrow a keyboard to try..

Good luck
Sorry to take so long getting back. I should have mentioned I'm using a laptop, BUT taking the advice I restored the default keys and it's back to working perfectly again. A simple little fix had I only thought about it.

Thanks to all of you for your advice.
