Help, please. Engine problem with three planes . . .


So, first off, I'm very careful to fly planes "by the book." I read all the developers' manuals, and I'm careful about my checklists.

However, there are three planes in my inventory that each suffer from engine loss between 20 and 30 minutes into each flight. The Asobo P-51 (specifically Miss America), the Inibuilds BF-108, and the SWS Kodiak Amphibian (only the amphibian -- all wheeled versions are fine -- I know the amphib has it's own set of procedures, and I follow them to the letter). I can't complete a long flight in any of the three. Any flight shorter than 20 minutes works just fine. Different developers, different systems, same problem. I'll be cruising along with all gauges green, no cautions, RPMs and temps well within limits, and suddenly, the engine will just lose power and die. It can't be restarted. The Kodiak engine failure is accompanied by a "pop" sound, but the P-51 and BF-108 just drop RPM and die. In a way, it's fun to find my field/road/lake for my emergency landing, but I'd really like to figure out what's happening. I've searched around, and other simmers are having the problem with the P-51 (no solutions offered), but I can't find anyone having the issue with the Kodiak or the Taifun.

Things I know it's not:
Random (it happens on every flight with these three)
Lack of fuel
Running the engine outside limits
Sim failure settings

So, I'm hoping that one of you has had a similar issue and knows how to fix it. I'm out of ideas.
Set " unlimited fuel " might help ~ and maybe decrease some graphics ~


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Thanks for the replies. I am leaning the mixture properly on the piston engines, and I'm pretty sure it's not graphic settings (since many other more graphics-heavy planes don't suffer from the problem. I'm pretty sure it's not the fuel, too, as I have plenty in the tanks and the proper tanks selected.

I'll keep trying things.
I have all three planes, although I haven't flown any of them for a dog's age. I just took the Kodiak Amphibian up (the first livery in the list)
for an hour and a half flight, and no particular problems.

I purchased the Kodiak directly from SWS, so it's in my Community folder. If you also purchased from a third party (and not the Marketplace),
as a thought, have you tried removing everything from your Community folder except the Kodiak Amphibian and trying then, just in case it's
some other add on running interference? Although it's strange only the amphibian is effected and not the wheeled version.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Maybe I'll try taking one of the others up and see what happens.
Thanks, RobM. That actually IS very helpful. Now I know for sure it's just a "me" problem. I'll try flying it with a clean community folder and see what happens. I really hate the idea of having to play detective installing one addon at a time until I find the culprit, but . . . ya gotta do what ya gotta do, I guess.
Try five at a time. When the failure comes back, it may take a little longer to figure out the culprit, but you should save time in the long run until then.
If you fly with multiple controllers look for the same event being set to two different controllers. That event may be connected to all three airplanes.

I have found through great pain that things that used to work in MSFS don’t anymore. It used to be able to assign a single control event or LVar to multiple switched or joystick buttons. Then depending on what airplane I was flying at the time, I would select one of the buttons to activate the event, say flaps. Now, I am finding that the event (Flaps)assigned to multiple controllers are causing issues.

To use the flaps example, now if I put the flaps handle down on my Bravo but it is up on my jet console, the flaps don’t know whether to be up or down, so they cycle slightly. I am seeing this more and more as MSFS has been “updated.”

It could be possible that the root cause of your issue is within the statement I made in the last paragraph. I do know that I have had aircraft just act like they have run out of gas, from time to time. Because it has been infrequent and it was associated with me testing something else at the time, I haven’t done a study to see why’