HELP! screen jerks in msfs3, need fix!



I'm on an intel dual core mac w/windows xp installed for the upcoming off 3. Every time I try to play msfs 3 I get a very jerky or jumpy screen. I've done the updates etc and even found the fix for the jumpy screen, but now I can't remember it or find it again! All I remember is you bring up a screen in windows xp and de-select something and then your good to go. Anybody...?
hi rtenyes,
when I bought my dual-core computer, I had exactly the same problem. One way to solve it is going into your task manager->processes. right-click your cfs process and make cfs run on only one core. This is however not a very convenient solution. There is another way by downloading and installing a little program from microsoft. It is a pity I don't know the name anymore and a few months ago I posted a link to the download. But then this forum crashed and now the link is gone...
It is there though, you just need to search for a while (or maybe someone else knows where to find it). Good luck.
I'm on an intel dual core mac w/windows xp installed for the upcoming off 3. Every time I try to play msfs 3 I get a very jerky or jumpy screen. I've done the updates etc and even found the fix for the jumpy screen, but now I can't remember it or find it again! All I remember is you bring up a screen in windows xp and de-select something and then your good to go. Anybody...?

:wavey:Is this what your looken for
Unfortunately this did not work. I've updated everything, but when I run the dual core utility (download from above) nothing changes (as far as the screen jump goes).
The fix that worked started with running directx utility, but then I can't remember what to do.
in the directx screen there are some menus dealing with hardware acceleration (on/off) of sound and graphics - do you have this in mind ?
The only sim i had where hardware acceleration had to be turned off was "Sub command", but ...
Good luck,
Squawk card ....

Pilot: Screen jerks in msfs3, need fix!

Ground crew: Tied down screen and placed on a sturdier desk.

LOL! ... just had to.

Probably my ignorance is showing, but I was under the impression, you couldn't sucessfully run XP for Gaming on a mac.

It was fine for all the normal bulldinky, but not the games

Waiting to be enlightened . . :kilroy:

Only thing I can think of is > RUN > dxdiag . . That'll tell you if everything is working properly
Macs with Bootcamp run games fine.

rtenyes, I run an intel macbook pro laptop for OFF and I had the stuttering too. The service pack updates should fix it.

Before that was made available, the fix for Intel machines that worked and the one people are thinking of is "ImageCFG" from here:

Update service packs and it should fix it though.


Finally got the &%*$#@*!$%# windows service pack 3 to load! I kept getting "you have to have 4 meg or more memory for ....".

4 MEG!!!!!!


So, thanks to everyone for their help. Oh I did take the advice to strap the iMac to the desk, got her bolted down, oiled up and ready for OFF 3.
