Help! Stupid computer

Ralf Roggeveen

Charter Member
It's doing that trick of starting a flight with the aeilerons locked & some assignments (including the ATC window) not working! Is it something to do with the default flight? :mad:

Remember this happening before & there is some quite simple solution, but I just CAN'T recall it! :confused:

Anyone? Need to get that Comet 1 down to Jo'burg... :redface:
As for the ailerons, it sounds like your autopilot is on by default; try the 'Z' key to disengage it.

The assignments not working might happen because your keyboard isn't set to the proper language. You can switch the language with the alt+shift key combo, the sselected language is visible in the toolbar and should be set to 'US'. Windows will install the local language as well so yours could be set to 'EN' I guess.
Thanks, van Orden! :wavey:

Just the Z key may unlock the whole thing... Will try it this evening & hope to report the flight if I can get everything going.