Help w/ KBT VC...


I'm having trouble getting the KBT P-3 GMAX instrument panels to work. The readme files are not much help to me.

When I select a VC version I get a 3d pit but all the instruments are static and there is no 2D pit. When I select a NoVC version there is no 3D pit but there is a 2D pit.

My preference is to fly in the VC.

I did use the auto installer and I updated the package with the KBT V.2 update.

There is a guages folder within the new Panel folder and I've tried leaving it intact inside the panel folder; palcing the contents in the main FS Guages folder; and placing the contents in the panel folder. Nothing works.

Any thoughts?

Which one did you install? My guess is it's not the original. It sounds like you're missing an aliased panel or at least some gauges.
Is the gauges folder a folder named gauges....or is it a cab file ?? If its a folder I say move the contents to your FS gauges folder. IF it is a cab file a little more reading in the VC panel versions panel.cfg file will likely give a pointer where they need to go.

TC and Sunny,

I started with the 1st version,, which loads as P-3C_GMAX in game.
I next updated it with p3up_kbt, loaded a new panel.

In teh new panel folder is a GAUGES folder, Inside that folder are numerous .gau files and 19 seperate .cab files.

As I said in my original post

I've tried leaving it (Gauges folder) intact inside the panel folder; placing the contents in the main FS Guages folder; and placing the contents loose inside the panel folder. Nothing works.

Is there a way to alias it to another KBT P-3, stand alone version?

Sorry guys, I know absolutely nothing about panels and how to make them work.

I've got the set installed and working, but it's been there a while. I'm downloading the original and update now to see what I get this time.
OK, I still had the original installers, so I didn't need to download them!

The first file install two models, textures, sound and a panel. Inside the panel folder are the following files:

No extra gauges folder, no fuss, everything where it needs to be.

Run the installer from the second file (p3up_kbt) and it installs two new models, replacement textures, and a new aircraft.cfg. No mods are made to the panel. There is also a third file that contains more updates including an updated panel.cfg. The file is - but I can't find it anywhere at the moment. The team's homepage tries to link to it, but it's a dead link. The new panel changes a couple of minor things about the way that some of the popups work, but the panel works in either configuration.

If you have something with a gauges folder, it sounds like you might have an addon panel of some sort, I don't know.

If you can't find the 2.1 update, let me know via PM and I can get you a copy.
I have all that. Works fine.

Gauges from the gauges folder go to FS9's main Gauges folder. Addition of 2 panel folders for a total of 3, new aircraft.cfg, 2 new model folders, revised textures (?), etc.

pic1 is the folders I have on disk with the update. Pic 2 is inside the New P-3Panel folder. Pic 3 the final look at what is in FS9.

EDIT: My bad. The "New P-3Panel" folder does not come out of the update installer. I can't remember where I got it now, but it sure sounds like what Duckie is talking about.
Got it! Un- and re- installed the model and 2 updates.

Here's what I think was going on. The first update, p3up_kbt, with the new panels does not auto install the panels or the new aircraft config file. And, like I said earlier, I haven't a clue. Auto install should mean auto install everything! LOL! Well I botched the placement of these panel files that weren't auto-installedr which caused my problem.

Second time through with TC's file list and DK's pictures caused the light bulb to come on and it works now.

Now, let's see, where did I put that Japanese to English dictionary... :kilroy:

Thanks very much for the help, guys.

That's what SOH is all about....helping each other to enjoy our "sport" to the fullest.

BTW, here are some very useful tweaks that were shared by Tom , back when...
Vortex effect

I dont know if anybody is interested but i have a vortex effect for the KBT P3 Orion. I found it on a Japanese website called Sylphide and the instructions are in Japanese only but i managed to install it so it cant be that hard.

Regards Paul Day.
Glead you got it all sorted out!

Brent, how old is that text file!?:icon_lol: I've actually gone a little lower with the prop moi now, it's set to 60 on my system and gove a little bit shorter shutdown time. It's a pretty close match to the shutdown audio.