Help with Aircraft.Config file


Charter Member
Does anyone know what the following line is for? It's in the [piston_engine] section of the aircraft.config file.

"fuel_metering_type = 2"

I noticed that I think all the aircraft in CFS3 have a "0" Except the Mustangs, Typhoon, and Tempest...which have a "2" .

Oddly...the Spitfire, which uses a Merlin like the Mustang also has a "0" .

I also noticed when I changed a Spitfire I have that had a "2" to a "0", it lost about 9MPH at altitude and 29MPH at sea level.

So, does anyone know what this is for and what else it might do?
I think I found it elsewhere...I still don't understand why the top speed changed so much though...hmmm.

0=Fuel Injected, 1=Gravity Carbureter, 2=Aerobatic Carbureter
Hi Oldcrow,

its related to the style of carby in use on the engine, if you use 2 you will have positive fuel pressure to the engine even in +G moves, its a aerobatic carburettor. similar to 0 which is fuel injection, rather than having a carburetor.

If you use 1 as your setting you have now installed a carby that uses a float level for metering fuel to the engine via a fuel bowl. ie the engine uses this small chamber for feeding fuel to the engine, if the pump is feeding to much fuel the float comes up blocking off the fuel flow, then as the engine takes fuel out of the bowl the float comes down thus allowing more fuel to flow into the carburettor.

this means when you fly inverted or pull +G moves the float level closes momentarily (gravity) reducing the flow of fuel to the engine. your engine then coughs and splutters sometimes to a stop if you do not right the plane or pull up inducing negitive G's and reopening teh float level.

this was a problem with Mk1 spits and Hurri's the Me109 would simply push the nose down and run for it, (109 was fuel injected) if the spitfire tried to follow the engine would starve for fuel and lose speed.

To see this work in game you need to fly with air fuel mixture set to manual on hard settings.

as for why you lost mph in top speed not sure.

regards Rob.