Help with files again


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hi all,
if i remember right,you can hide certain paints within the files by doing something to the name,but i dont recall what...maybe in the CFG? a "/" in it?..or can i rename the texture file XXXX.old? like the panel folder?
It's easier just to click Show Only Favorites in your P3D4 aircraft list, and don't click the paints you don't like.
If you want to keep the actual paint files associated with an aircraft, but not have them available in the sim, you can comment out (adding slashes "//") the [flightsim.x] section of the aircraft.cfg associated with the liveries that you do not want to see.
Overall though, I do not think you will see a significant improvement in loading times by doing this, so it may not be worth the effort.
I just go into the aircraft cfg and type off next to the panel entry eg Panel=off
this way if you want to use this aircraft later on just go into the cfg and delete the off on the panel line
I load up an aircraft into the sim, add any extras to it in the usual way and then copy the package onto my remote backup drive under the sim name. (P3D4 backup for example)
That way all the skins and edited .cfg are retained in original form.
I can then go back and delete whatever I no longer require, just making sure that any common textures remain.
Commenting them out works as well, so does selecting them as 'favorites', I just prefer to keep any possible loading stress to a minimum.
And of course, if I lose anything in the sim I can reload the basics and replace the files from my backup.
I may stand corrected but I think load times depend more on scenery and AI that is installed.
Still looking for decent AI to use in P3D4.