HELP with Firefox


Charter Member
IE7 has begun to act squirrelly, so I've started using Firefox. The problem I'm having is downloading files. With IE7, my downloads would go to a file called Bob 1 (catchy, huh?) and I would unzip from there to Bob 2. That way I always know where downloads are going. But with Firefox, when I download something, it automatically unzips to Bob 2, but never makes it to Bob 1 even though I've specified that's where it should go. I like to keep the original download handy until I'm sure I won't need it anymore, but with Firefox I can't do that. Or can I?

Any and all suggestions are welcome.

I did as you suggested, but I must be holding my mouth wrong, Caz, because the box pops up and download immediately begins, then Winzip comes up for me to unzip, but nothing shows up in the Bob 1 file.:isadizzy: Unless it's going somewhere else. I checked 'My Downloads', etc, but the file wasn't their, either.

Kurt190, that was a FAB movie. One of the best Clint Eastwood ever did.

I did as you suggested, but I must be holding my mouth wrong, Caz, because the box pops up and download immediately begins, then Winzip comes up for me to unzip, but nothing shows up in the Bob 1 file.:isadizzy: Unless it's going somewhere else. I checked 'My Downloads', etc, but the file wasn't their, either.


Bob, I never had a problem with FF2 but when I installed FF3 it took a couple of tries to get it set ( reason unknown) ... first, d/l a file ( note the name of the file) .. after the d/l is complete do a start/search/files& folders to find where it got tossed in case there was a little error in your setup.. what cured mine finally was to select "always ask where" until I was sure the saves were working properly. Then make the changes, close Firefox, reboot and re-open FF, then try it again. I noticed a couple of FF3 customizations I had took that effort.

BTW, I had huge slowdown issues in FF3 with some Java-heavy pages and went back to FF2... the support suggestions didn't work and I went back to FF2 for now.

Firefox has prob been set up to run a zip file rather than save it.
in firefox click on the tools tab,then options,then applications have a look for
the listing for zip file and change its option to always ask
you can do this for any file type if you want to decide how they are downloaded.
Also the download stasusbar addon
gives you a few more options in how firefox handles downloads
Rob, I did a you suggested but the search turned up nothing. It's like clicking RUN when the window gives the choice of running or saving.

Wozza, your suggestions did the trick. I clicked Save the File and it went right where it's supposed to go.:jump:

Thanks for all the help, guys.:ernae:
