I'm using Paint Shop Pro 7. I'm using an OLD version of the Nvidia DDS plug-in because the current version doesn't work with PSP7. The current version is 8.23.1101 and I've got 5.67. I've never dealt with DDS and MIPs before, so have no clue how to use this thing.
When I open a DDS file, it asks me if I want to see the MIP maps it's got. I say no, so I just see the regular texture. I save it as some other format that supports layers, do my thing, flatten it, then want to save it as a DDS file. Then a box pops up that has a BUNCH of options about how to save the thing, and I have NO CLUE which ones to select. Could somebody please tell me?
The attached pics are 1st what an OFF skin looks like when I say OK, show me the MIPs when I open it. It appears to have 11 of them.
The other pic shows the box of options I get when I want to save the file as a DDS. Rabu said "use the same number and types of MIPs as it had to start with", but I have no way to find out that info, so don't know what to put in on this option box. I've made a few guesses but they never end up looking a thing like one of the OFF skins when I re-open it to check how it came out.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
When I open a DDS file, it asks me if I want to see the MIP maps it's got. I say no, so I just see the regular texture. I save it as some other format that supports layers, do my thing, flatten it, then want to save it as a DDS file. Then a box pops up that has a BUNCH of options about how to save the thing, and I have NO CLUE which ones to select. Could somebody please tell me?
The attached pics are 1st what an OFF skin looks like when I say OK, show me the MIPs when I open it. It appears to have 11 of them.
The other pic shows the box of options I get when I want to save the file as a DDS. Rabu said "use the same number and types of MIPs as it had to start with", but I have no way to find out that info, so don't know what to put in on this option box. I've made a few guesses but they never end up looking a thing like one of the OFF skins when I re-open it to check how it came out.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.