Help with Saitek X52



I am running XP SP3. The problem is I have some serious blind spots. I tried using the software that came with my flight control to emulate a keyboard but I could not get it to work. My question is can you program two buttons hit simultaneously on a hat switch? Example you could hit your hat switch ←↑ to look ↖ up to the left. In addition, can you increase how far up you look when you look up?
Saitek X52

My best suggestion is go to the Saitek Website and look at the X52 Manual. On page 6/77 they describe adjusting the POV and deadzones. I am not to sure if the deadzones are the same as your blindspots.

This manual should help.
You can program one button to have various functions by using the profile selector knob, or by using the lower "trigger" on the stick as an "Alt" key.

But that will not make your view one which the sim does not include. View angles are defined by the sim itself and by the aircraft's xdp file. For example, if you wish to look 180 degrees behind you, you need to adapt the aircraft's xdp file to make that possible. Your chinese hat will simply give you the view which is defined for that movement. Inputting two conflicting commands will just upset things and make them sulk, rather than giving you a halfway point between the two.

Fixed views do include blind spots, inevitably. The best solutions are either to get used to it, or buy TrackIR, which follows your head movements and translates them into views on the screen.
An alternative is the use of radar and padlock ... it usually show me what I want to see. For quiet lookaround (landing, cruising), I use the chinese hat with pan view instead on snap view (search for the switch key ingame) and a button to reset view after.
Sure TrackIR would be great addition !