Help with Starfighter

joe bob

Charter Member
I am having an issue with the F-104. The throttle does not move.
The normal x-52 throttle axis has worked for other aircraft.
When I was considering getting the 104 I selected the throttle axis for afterburner in the controller setup and tried it on the default F-18 and it works fine.

Loading up the F-104 the throttle does not respond to the axis until it reaches afterburner.
The throttle in the sim remains all the way back until my x-52 throttle reaches the full forward area then it snaps forward.

Being new to the sim I assume it is something I have or have not done. I don't find anyone else with this problem via a search.
Anyone have any ideas? thanks JB
I concur with Keith, had the exact same thing happen to me after the update. Changing the settings (assistance options, mapping to throttle1) did the trick.

Thanks fellows, in this instance switching from throttle axis to engine one throttle axis was the solution.
Now I have to figure out how to set up my multi engine aircraft.

I notice the engine rpm gauge seems tied to the throttle position.
For example afterburner kicks about 91-93 percent rpm indication now rather than going to Mil power of 100 then afterburner .
I wonder if this is why it seems so slow in mil power. around 400 kt seems the max for dry power.
Anyway, thanks for getting me airborne guys I appreciate it.
Luckily you can save multiple profiles settings for a controller. So I made a copy of my existing one with a different name, then remapped the throttle to Throttle 1 in the copy. So I can use the original settings with multiengine planes, and the new one with the planes with the bugged throttles.
I know this is stupid but I can't figure out how to save a profile. The MS help page seems so be out of date.
joe bob, it's not the most intuitive thing! Go to Controls, then select the controller with the throttle. Down at the bottom of the screen, choose (M) Preset Manager.

Then hit the Duplicate button, give your new profile a name, and then adjust the throttle axis and another other changes you want to make.

Then you can use the < > arrows next to the controller name on the main Controllers page to swap between your profiles.