Help with the DH.83 Fox Moth in Air Hauler


Charter Member
Hi guys,

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm still very new to FS2004 and the reason I've got so many questions is that I'm having great fun with it and wearing it out at the moment!

I posted this question on the Air Hauler forum:

Problem with DH.83 Fox Moth in Air Hauler

I just downloaded and installed the new de Havilland DH.83 Fox Moth for FS2004 from and I'm having problems with it in Air Hauler.
In FS2004 using Create Flight it works just fine, and it imports into Air Hauler just fine. But when I launch a flight in Air Hauler using it at any airport, it starts out with its tail and the back 1/3 of the aircraft about 3 feet underground (invisible) and its nose in the air. I can actually taxi with it and take off, but just barely, as at this attitude it is ready to stall immediately. It looks like the back 1/3 of the plane is in quicksand.

And this problem is only when using it from an Air Hauler flight. In Create Flight it sits on the runway just fine and level with its tailwheel nicely on the ground where it should be at the same airports where it is underground in an Air Hauler flight.

Also, I went ahead and flew it on an Air Hauler mission, and when I got to my destination airport and landed I almost crashed as the tail dropped down into the quicksand again about 3 ft underground. So it isn't a single airport thing.

Any ideas how this can be happening only on Air Hauler flights, and only this plane?



...and got the following answer from the Air Hauler developer (Slopey):

Have you checked your center of gravity when the plane is loaded with cargo?

I think the new Fox Moth is just fantastic and I'd like to get it working in Air Hauler. But to be honest when I fly in Create Flight I just pick an airport and plane and then fly. So I'm not sure about Slopey's answer, although I get the jest. In Air Hauler it is typical to depart with your aircraft loaded close to MTOW. In Create Flight (where I have no trouble with the Fox Moth) I'm guessing that is not the case.

Is there someone familiar with cargo loads, center of gravity, etc that could look at this. Is there maybe someway I could change the Center of Gravity parms in the cfg file to handle a heavy load. Air Hauler calculates your maxium cargo as:

Max_Gross_Weight - Empty_Weight - (Fuel Capacity in Gals x 6 lbs) = Max Cargo Capacity that you can load into a plane in Air Hauler, so in the case of the Fox Moth it is 819 lbs. And I've had this happen with loads as low as 450 lbs.

And I've never had this problem with any other Air Hauler flights with planes loaded at or near Max Gross Weight.

Just looking for some advice as I'm not sure where to start in researching Slopey's answer and I'd like to get the Fox Moth working in Air Hauler flights. I cut back on my cargo but still spawn with my tail sunk into the ground about 3 feet. But in Create Flight all is fine, so I'm stumped.

I've no great idea what Air Hauler is but couple of things I do know. Any aircraft cfg is the sims recipe for how to display and manipulate that aircraft. In tweaking things I have, at times, made a mess of it including sinking the poor thing into the ground just by changing a CoM or a contact point even by a fractional amount. Slopey may be onto something with load values and placement and this Air Hauler program may look at cfg data a little differently and therefore display the aircraft differently.