

Can anyone help me,my copy of FS9 will no longer run.After years of work I was experimenting with changing weather settings with FS Skyworld which I have used hundereds of times, now when I try an open FS9 it hangs at the splashscreen and the the dreaded "microsoft has encountered an error and has to close" comes up.The sim had been running fine all day,I had installed a few new aircraft,It ran fine after those,but I tried taking them out just in case but no luck.
It happened right after I had made some changes in the weather with FS Skyworld.
I tried deleting the program but same thing.
I tried running from a clean boot ,doing a system restore and running in safe mode,to no avail.
The error message says something about an Fe dll, but since I'am no computer wize I don't know what this means. I knew someday either the computer would die or something like this would happen,but after just retireing and now haveing the time to fly ,and even though I have the time I sure hate to do a reinstall after years of work.I've done them before but I just got the sim where I wanted and now this. Any ideas, before I uninstall?I will probley quit flight simming if I can't fix this. Thanks
It seems like you've done the rational things, undo the last addons that were installed, etc, etc...

If you have enough disc space, you might try renaming your current FS folder, and then creating a fresh install of FS9. Now bear with me.

Next you rename the freshly installed new FS folder something else. (FS9new?) Then rename the original FS9 folder back to it's original name, and see if it runs. If it does, then the new install rewrote your registry entries for FS, and that's where the issue was. If you've overwritten your desktop ikon, simply 2click on the FS Exe in the FS9 folder to starup.

If the old copy still won't play, then rename it's folder to something else again, and give the new copy of FS9 back it's correct name. Check that it plays.

Then begin methodically moving folders and addons from the old non-functioning FS9 to the new FS9. Make sure you DO NOT overwrite any original modules or Dll's, or the FS9.exe.
That'll mean you'll have to be very selective and observant during the procedure. Stop every now and then and boot up FS9 to make sure that everything's working okay.

The more frequently you test the proggie, the greater the chance you stand of isolating the errant element should it suddenlty decide to stop running.

Best of luck hurricane3, let us know how you fare!
Fe.dll is or should be in the modules folder in the main Fs folder, it may be missing or corrupt. you could try replacing it.
think I'am screwed

I tried to rename the old FS9 copy and install a new one,but the no.1 disk only will let me uninstall. I found the FE dll file on the number two disk I think and replaced it,no go,took out all the planes and scenery there was only one scenery,no go. I going to give it a day for someone to come up with something then I'am uninstalling the whole damn thing and maybe I'am done with flight simming,I don't need this aggravation. I thank you for trying to help but I don't think this can be fixed. Oh well whats 6 years of work just to fly.thanks guys
Have you tried deleting the config file in the Documents/Application Data/Microsoft/FS9 folder? Sometimes allowing the sim to create a new master config file will clear things up. Also look to see if the FS Skyworld has a config file someplace.

Have you tried deleting the config file in the Documents/Application Data/Microsoft/FS9 folder? Sometimes allowing the sim to create a new master config file will clear things up. Also look to see if the FS Skyworld has a config file someplace.


1. I would go with OBIO's suggestion first. There is a keyboard short cut as well to force FS to rebuild the fs9.cfg but I am not sure if it is holding the SHIFT key when you click the icon or something else at the moment.

2. You said you tried renaming the old installation and it will only allow to Un-Install from the CDs. Did you rename the FS9 icon on the desktop or did you rename the entire FS folder ???
It should let you do a new install if you rename the whole folder...but not if you just rename the icon.

In the Start Menu folder for FS9, there's also an option to restore defaults. I've never tried it though.
OK Finally

It's now 2 AM ,I've been working on this for what?4 hours? I lost track.I finally got things back,but am not sure just what did the trick.
First I deleted the config file like OBIO said in the Documents Application data,and no change. Then I went to the FS9 root folder and deleted the config file there, as soon as I did this the sim started back up. Tried it again and got the error message.
Now this is the part that is really confusing, I reinstalled the config file I just deleted from the FS9 root folder and the sim started back up. I tried it over a doezen times and every time it started normally.I had started to delete FS Skyworld but canceled before it deleted. it only deleted all but one of the cirrus sets everything else is there and it works.I couldn't find the program anywhere to download it again,so I found one called Weather 3 which installs into the weather themes in FS9 and between the two I can get pretty decent clouds.
I hate useing the advanced weather in FS9 ,never seem to get just the right clouds that I want.
Anyway with your help I somehow got everything back,now just pray it stays that way untill I can afford a new puter for FSX. Thnak you all from the bottom of my heart for helping me out.I'ts now 2:30 am and I gotta go to bed , thanks again,I can't explane it but someone was watching out for me.
Thanks Claudius

Ifound FS Skyworld on two sites both had bad downloads, Thanks for your links maybe since I have the sim running again I better leave well enough alone.

Can anyone help me,my copy of FS9 will no longer run.After years of work I was experimenting with changing weather settings with FS Skyworld which I have used hundereds of times, now when I try an open FS9 it hangs at the splashscreen and the the dreaded "microsoft has encountered an error and has to close" comes up.The sim had been running fine all day,I had installed a few new aircraft,It ran fine after those,but I tried taking them out just in case but no luck.
It happened right after I had made some changes in the weather with FS Skyworld.
I tried deleting the program but same thing.
I tried running from a clean boot ,doing a system restore and running in safe mode,to no avail.
The error message says something about an Fe dll, but since I'am no computer wize I don't know what this means. I knew someday either the computer would die or something like this would happen,but after just retireing and now haveing the time to fly ,and even though I have the time I sure hate to do a reinstall after years of work.I've done them before but I just got the sim where I wanted and now this. Any ideas, before I uninstall?I will probley quit flight simming if I can't fix this. Thanks
what Os. are you running ? As I had the same trouble withWindows 7 and as it turned out it had put the same thing in four places at the same time ! I took three of them out and that fixed it ,sky pilot
sorry i took so long to get back to you Sky

As you probley know the site was being hacked and I couldn't sign in. My os is windows XP home, I sure hope what happened to you doesn't happen to me when the day comes that I gotta get another puter.
So far mine is still running FS9 ok after I deleted the root config files.I put them back cause when I checked after running FS9 there were no new config files created. Go figure.
on new puter.

As you probley know the site was being hacked and I couldn't sign in. My os is windows XP home, I sure hope what happened to you doesn't happen to me when the day comes that I gotta get another puter.
So far mine is still running FS9 ok after I deleted the root config files.I put them back cause when I checked after running FS9 there were no new config files created. Go figure.
If you do get a new one if yours would turn out like mine I would BOT GET A WINDOWS 7 mini has been nothing but a pain in the bu-- and that is as nice as I can be about it !
They have what they call a TRUSTED INSTALLER in the Os. and it puts things where it wants them and not you I don't even have the right to look at my own docs.
And that is with me as the Admin.
Anyway glad to hear you got yours fixed,
sky pilot:salute:

They have what they call a TRUSTED INSTALLER in the Os. and it puts things where it wants them and not you I don't even have the right to look at my own docs.
And that is with me as the Admin.
That's proof again the words:

Losing freedom for greater security

Microsoft breaks his kidneys to put more security into its operating systems .. and users are trying by all means to circumvent them in order to use their OS as they want.
Paradoxical isn'it :)
Happy WinXP user (after some tweaking .. of course .... ) :)
stick with XP? Now?

Now I don't know what I should do when the time comes to get a new computer.If I stick with XP how long will Microsoft support it?They already won't support XP with service pack 2.
I read some people haven't had much trouble with Windows 7 and others like you have had all kinds of trouble.
I know I'am living dangerously right now cause my Dell(which I swore I'd never get again because I hate talking to some one in bumf.... India for servivce ) is 8 years old. Of course every thing has been replaced at least once,but thats still doing good for a computer.
I'am even running an old ATI 128MB vid card ,although I have a Nvidia7600 ,256 in reserve,when the ATI dies. I cant justify replaceing the ATI with it till it dies,because it runs fine and my system runs FS9 with most sliders maxed out and few stutters.
My only backups are all on CD;s but that would take a long time do replace everything, and I'am confused how do transfer everything to and external hard drive.
Anyway I'am getting off topic here,I just don't know what is the best route to go for an OS.

I read some people haven't had much trouble with Windows 7 and others like you have had all kinds of trouble.
You will not have troubles if you know how security things work in Win 7 and how circumvent those ..
Like all OS it's just to tweaking it for your tastes and kind of usage ...
Not tweaked .. Win 7 or Vista can give grey hairs when it come to games like FS (cause some security)
If you can afford 2 HD's .. and a caddie system I suggest you to keep a WinXP OS on a HD (better have OS on separate HD instead two OS on same HD in 2 partitions)
...and I'am confused how do transfer everything to and external hard drive.QUOTE]
There are all sorts of shells that will hold a hard drive and allow you to connect it to any USB port. I'm currently using an old 300GB ATA drive in a shell to store FS downloads. It basically behaves like a 300GB thumb drive.
hard drve

...and I'am confused how do transfer everything to and external hard drive.QUOTE]
There are all sorts of shells that will hold a hard drive and allow you to connect it to any USB port. I'm currently using an old 300GB ATA drive in a shell to store FS downloads. It basically behaves like a 300GB thumb drive.
that one I can't help you with as I do not use one but if ou are running xp there is on most of them I have seen a transfer program built in !
whats a shell?

I don't even know what a shell is. All this time I thought you could just transfer either the whole fs9 program file ,or the files like aircraft scenery etc,and just replace the vanilla files with these when you made a new install. When the time comes I'am gonna need a lotta help.