


~S~ All,

I need to know how to raise the spot view without moving the center of gravity/center of rotation. I have constructed a dam section that is 100 feet thick 240 feet wide and 66 feet high. In the spot view all I see is front, up and rear. The rest of the view is obstructed by the scenery dam wall. If I raise the COG the dam sinks into the water and I still have the same view. I was thinking of putting a flag up and calling it a high wing.

The dam started life as a six colored box, 10' X 10' as I recall. I would post a picture, but you can not see it all now.

Thanks in advance,

With AirEd, find section 301 (Fuselage), and change "Cockpit View Above+/Below- CoG (in)=" until you get the desired altitude. Keep your AF99 "Center of Rotation" near the base.

BTW- If you had made the interior of your cube "untextured", you should not have any problem seeing 360°.

P.S.- Come to think of it, it won't work:redf:... AIR file change of POV does not apply to "padlock" view, only to cockpit view. SCASM would work, but it is a wee bit more complicated. Sorry...

~S~ Hubbabubba,

I guess that is one vote for the flag pole or maybe a balloon?

J. I love this bull, especially now that it is cold here.

~S~ Hubbabubba,

I tethered two balloons to the dam, but nothing changed. I will have to check out the .air files. I think I will try to mess with the assignments of the balloons.

Is it hot in here or is it just me?