When I was made aware that source files were available (potentially) on how to create new scenery I was ecstatic. Finally someone could teach me and others the very complex process of making a new theater. From my perspective all I wanted to do is learn from someone who made these add ons so I too could make a few new theaters.
For whatever reason this became misunderstood and took on a life of its own and some how I feel my integrity has been maligned.
What a shame.
Good bye and farewell.
Although I generally try to steer clear of discussions like the one that has been going on about 'the source files', I know how you feel Ted. After reading all the posts this morning, I went to work rather pissed. All this talk about "controlling the world of CFS3", "source file rape" and the other negative sh*t when it comes to doing someting for the community, whether it is for ETO, MAW, PTO or any other combination of letters, strongly makes me feel like throwing in the towel myself. Why the *BEEP* am I sitting all these hours in front of my PC when I could be doing lots of other interesting things?? The sun finally is shining outside, for crying out loud!
Apparently there are people who feel that the process of trying to learn from others or lifting CFS3 (or any mod) to a different level, is sacrilege. I do respect that some are trying to protect their work and rights - no probs here - but the negativity with which the news of Ed's DVDs was met, is simply stunning and unworthy of this community.
Personally I was never interested in obtaining anyone's work in particular, but more like you, Ted, I was interested in the "how to". I simply wanted to learn more.
I haven't taken a final position on whether I will continue doing something for the community or not but I
do want to say that I find some comments on the ETO effort - intended or not - truely hurtful.
Thanks a lot - NOT!!!