Henry William Question


Charter Member
Guys --

I've had the strangest experience :isadizzy:

First of all, let me say that I am Henry William's greatest fan; there's no one who does a better job than he.

However, I could not get his textures for Piglet's OS2U to load into my FS2004 - it kept crashing, all the while saying it had "a problem." When I got rid of HW's textures, the Kingfisher flew just fine, thank you!

Since I know that I was using HW's FS9 textures, what could be the problem?

Thanks, in advance,

Marc Burcham
Hi B8,
I take it, as you are flying the Kingfisher, you did copy the Gaugesound.dll into your main Fs9 route folder? This will cause the model to crash.

Possibly could be the tex format. Take a copy of those textures and run them through DXTBmp.exe and re-save them as a dxt3 or Extended bit 565 bmp. See if this cures the crashes.

Cheers Shessi
If your trying too use his fsx textures in fs9 you will need to resize them from 2048x2048 too 1024x1024 and change the format too dxt3 or Extended bit 565 bmp.


I knew I could count on our forum to have the info. :ernae:

I'll do these things and let you know.
