P.S. You can always check the model folder for compatibility. There need to be two .mdl files, an external and internal model. In earlier sims, this was in one file together. If you have two, it will run fine, if it's converted correctly.
Making some progress.
Most of the gauges seem to work. There is a starter that is part of a .gau gauge file. This will not work in P3D so I need to go on a search for an appropriate replacement.
The location is Ibiza (with ORBX Europe LC & Global textures + Freemesh).
I think I figured out the starter and have some enhanced sounds for it.
Just need to contact A. F. Scrubs and make sure he (I assume he's a he) is ok with me releasing the conversion.
I got permission to release the conversion.
It is a fairly basic conversion to native FSX format. I have tested it and it works fine in P3Dv4.5 (should also work in V5 as the gauges are all 64 bit).
The sound files are updated to more accurately reflect the BMW engine.
No bump maps or specular texturing as the original textures are pretty basic.
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