Here is Kekelekou


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A kid fallen into simming at too an early age (6/7?), I am now a 33-year old simmer, and a new forum member of SOH.
My virtual flying hours are shared between FS9 for liners (QW BAe146), FSX for GA (BN-2 and Dimona), Condor for "pure" soaring and Falcon4BMS for the odd fight.
I purchased FireFighterX a few days ago to give a pacific meaningful flavour to FSX, and while browsing for air tankers, I was brought back to SOH.
Milton Shupe's Firecats are truely appealing, and I have to find a way to use them seamlessly in FSX.

See you soon on the forums!

Best regards from Lyon, France,

Welcome to the SOH, mate. Lots of good folks, lots of info for FS, just an all around good place to be. Enjoy your stay.:encouragement:

Cheers -- BB686:US-flag:
Welcome, I'm sure your stay will be a fun one.

All the best,
Cape Town, South Africa