Hey, anyone catch this sneaky move?

They also say that the Seneca will be FS9 as well... that is one of the few aircraft that have literally made my mouth water!
Great guys, great aircraft!
I was wondering also wondering what was up with the price (not that I am complaining) :jump::applause:

nice! They both look very tempting. I bought their wheeled 172 and love it.

ps. What's wrong with the price? too high? too low? i think it's perfectly priced (half the price as the wheeled version, plus it's a stand-alone). These versions are not as versatile as the wheeled version, so i think this is why Carenado made them cheaper.

Switzerland would be perfect for the skis and floats, so would Alaska, yeah the prices are very reasonable, just wish this cash would get in my bank already :icon_lol:
I bought both and love them. The ski bird in FS9 does not like add-on sceneries. I've been told its a contact point issue. It bouncies like a rubber ball.
I bought both and love them. The ski bird in FS9 does not like add-on sceneries. I've been told its a contact point issue. It bouncies like a rubber ball.

Have you by any chance tried Holger Sandmann's Glacier Bay with the skis?
I got the float model but can't seem to get it to move when I'm trying to take off. Any ideas?

I've got the FSX version, but I seem to remember that floaters like a little bit of wind in FS9 to get them moving.
I've got the FSX version, but I seem to remember that floaters like a little bit of wind in FS9 to get them moving.

Well I tried a little to a lot of wind and it still will not move. When I give her power she shakes a little bit, spray comes up from the water for a second then the shaking and the spray stop and it just sits there and doesn't move at all. I tried all of my other floaters and all of them work just fine. I've emailed Carenado maybe they can help.
has anyone heard of a fix for this yet? Also the ski version bounces like a rubber ball. Is there a fix for this also?
From my experience working with float planes, when they are stuck like that, it is because a SCRAPE point is set lower than the FLOAT point in the config file CONTACT POINT section. If you have ACM (Aircraft Container Manager), open up the config file, go to Parameters, then select Contact Points, and check the SCRAPE points to make sure none of them are below the Float points. I have had to made some adjustments to Scrape point settings on a few float/sea planes in FS2004 and CFS2 to get them to take off from water. Also, if there is a Scrape point set lower than a Float point, the sim will read the Scrape point info and call up a crash when you try to land on water...have had that happen a time or two.

Have not done any work with planes equipped with skis, but I would imagine that the bouncing is being caused by Scrape points settings as well.

For floats issue: make sure you are away from objects. You might have scenery that shows you are in the water but are actually on grass or sand (yes, scenery will register in the sim as having grass, tarmac, concrete, tall grass, short grass, sand, etc). That would explain why its acting the way it does. Slew out to the middle of the lake or try a diff location.

Also make sure your prop lever (blue) is full up or full in. (You might have saved this new plane over another planes save point/location and it might be causing issues from diff options another plane had/has).

Ski's issue: Sounds like low frame rates. This will do the same thing with wheel planes if frames are very low. If the plane is a high resolution and your computer is already maxed out, check frames and see if you are down to about 10FPS. This will be why its bouncing.

Now, if none of those things are in your parameters, then just ignore it, its something else.

nope frame rates are very good and the float issue happens in the middle of all lakes rivers and oceans. She's stuck and she can't get out.